Chapter 35: Rick

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"You need to eat

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"You need to eat."

That fag was in his room again, and Rick ignored him as he lay on his bed. It was dark in the room, and he hadn't moved in weeks. He didn't want to. There was no point. No matter where he went, he'd always be a pariah. If he stayed in here, he didn't have to face Maggie.

Phantom pains flared up all over his chest now and then from his old wounds. They'd been small punctures because the blades Maggie used were tiny, but there had been so many of them. They'd healed by now, mostly, but in his mind, she was still gutting him every moment.

He shouldn't have hit her, but she'd gained pleasure from his pain. Rick couldn't even feel pleasure, and that bitch had the gall to throw it in his face in the worst way. The woman had gone ballistic and tried to murder him. That was what was running this place? Under fear of death for any small infraction against her rules, he was supposed to live?

That wasn't life. It was torture.

How could he make it all go away?

"Hey, Fag." Rick sat up, and the man glared. There was at least one person here whose eyes weren't hollowed out.

"Ian," the man corrected, and Rick had little patience for him, but he wanted something.

"Ian, do you know where I can get a drink?"

The man rubbed the back of his neck and tilted his head, saying that he did, but they both knew that drinking was against the house rules.

"If I show you a place, will you come out of your room?" Ian asked, and Rick hopped to his feet.

"I don't see why you care," Rick went to the bathroom and washed his face.

The other man waited while he shaved, put on cologne, got some new clothes, and then they headed downstairs. At the top of the stairs, Rick stared down and swallowed his racing thoughts about what he would do if he ran into Maggie. Alone in the darkness, it was easier to forget her, but he really needed to get smashed right now. Ian left him behind and he quickly caught up, almost running into him at the bottom of the steps.

Maggie was there, of course she was, with that huge ass guy from before. When she looked at him, he physically moved Ian in the way and used him for a shield as they headed down the hallway. Thankfully, she was silent as he slipped out the door and headed down the sidewalk.

"What are the odds of me escaping this place?" Rick asked, and Ian looked at him and then laughed.

"Literally zero. You can't move in this city without the crime family following your every action, and there is no way to get out without notice." Ian stuck his hands in his pockets as they headed down the street.

"There has to be somewhere they aren't looking," Rick argued, and Ian sighed.

"Don't I wish. See that car there." Ian gestured to a darkened car on the street. The sun was low so he couldn't make everything out perfectly, but he saw someone sitting in it that he hadn't noticed at first. "They're everywhere, and they watch anyone who leaves the pen. From there, they communicate with each other and keep a watch on us until we go back in. Sure, there are places they don't watch, but none you could get to without hitting their net first."

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