In the darkest part.

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Notes: So this story is a bit dark but I promise the whole series isn't this way. Trigger warning: Panic attacks.

Peter was the sweetest kid any of the avengers knew. He was always so bubbly and talkative. Sometimes it was hard to believe how happy the kid was- after all he'd gone through. Well it was hard to believe for a reason.


Peter knew this place. It looked all to familiar. The field was blurred and washed. It was hard to look at. The field would remind most people of serenity and calmness. But for Peter, this was the darkest place in his mind. He was alone. Everyone was gone. He flashed in and out of memories.

"I don't wanna go. Mr. Stark please."
Tears were in Tony's eyes. He felt himself going numb and looked to his left to see himself fading away. He knew it was over. He had failed, " I'm sorry."

Peter inhaled sharply. He was back in the field. His heart was racing. He thought he saw MJ off in the distance. Thank goodness. A familiar face. He ran towards MJ as she smiled. But just as he reached her, she was gone. Peter blinked rapidly. His whole body was shaking. He had to get out. Out. Out.
Tony stood in front of him, " I can get you out Peter. Trust me." Peter nodded and grabbed Tony's hand, only to fall back as Tony's figure disappeared. His head pounded. Why were all his senses so real.

Another flashback.

"Help! Somebody help! I'm down here!" Tears had flooded Peters eyes as the pain caught up to him. He was under the collapsed cement. He almost gave up, crying. Finally he got his strength together, " C'mon Spider-Man. C'mon Spider-Man!" He shrieked in pain as he lifted the building off of him.

Peter snapped out of it. He was back in the field, running. His breath was hard as he ran towards the edge. Tears streamed down his face as he ran. Before he could get ahold of himself he tripped over a rock, falling of the edge.
Peter woke up, " No!" He shrieked. His breath was fast. Calm down. Okay. He was in his bedroom at stark tower. He felt his wet cheeks. He had been crying. He slowed down his breath. Looks like he was up for another sleepless night. He wished he could tell Tony or the others but he couldn't wake them up in the middle of the night. No, he couldn't.

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