Where the rogues are threatened to live in a trash can.

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Okay, Backstory: Tony is called to a mandatory meeting in France about SI, and since Pepper was at a different meeting in japan, Tony didn't realize, the rogues where coming back while he was gone. Peter lives with tony bc his aunts work got moved, and he wanted to finish highschool at his highschool.

"Who are you?" Steve asked the kid who stood frozen in the penthouse. The rest of the rogues where behind him, also confused at the kid. Peter thought quickly, " Um, I'm d-Mr. Starks personal intern and while he's gone at a meeting in France...I'm watering his plants..." there was one plant on the counter. That was the only plant. Steve nodded slowly, " Um... okay, shouldn't you have a shirt on..." peter looked down at his bare chest. He had grey sweatpants on, and that was all. "Oh, yeah, my shirt got wet from the water... because I'm watering his plants. Um, D-Mr. Stark should be home soon."
"Good" Steve said, " Because your staying here until he comes... just to make sure you aren't breaking in." Peter nodded, "Suuuure...."
"So how do you know Tony again? Are you two close?"
"Um, personal intern and I know Mr. Stark decently." Peter decided to wait until Tony got home to tell them he lived there. He was also suspicious of the rogue Avengers. Why where they here? He had to make sure they weren't going to try to hurt Tony again.

"You must know him pretty good if he lets you water his plants- come into his penthouse, you know." Natasha said.

She wasn't buying it.

"How old are you?" Clint asked.

"I'm fifteen. I've known D-Mr. Stark for a year and a half."

"How'd you get a internship here? Tony only accepts college students for internships."

Geez, Peter knee they were both super spies and all but they were starting to sound like Flash.

"Look, if you don't believe me, that means you think, a fifteen year old kid somehow broke into Stark Industries, got past security, and all the way into Mr. Starks penthouse."

Natasha and Clint stayed quiet.
Steve spoke up again, " So, when did you say Tony would be here?"
"Soon... hopefully." Peter muttered the last part. He didn't really enjoy being interrogated.

"I should be the one showing you out. The last time you and D- Mr. Stark where together you were trying to kill him."

The Avengers stayed quiet. Peter wasn't going to kick the Avengers out though. He didn't like it when Mr. Stark was gone and he was alone in the tower. It made him nervous, and the Avengers where something to distract him.

Peter still didn't like the rogues and he was making it clear, by glaring at them.

Steve sighed, " We didn't do anything to you, why are you mad at us?"

Peter rolled his eyes and moved towards the kitchen, "I don't know, you tried to kill Mr. Stark?!"

Peter rummaged through the fridge until he found some pop tarts. He pulled out a package and went back to watch over the avengers until Tony came back.

"I thought you were just watering his plants?" Natasha said looking at the pop tart in Peters hand.

Peter shrugged, not having the energy to come up with a lie.

Steve finally had enough, "Listen kid, I don't want to play your stupid games, Tony Stark is going to be here any minute and I suggest you leave!"

Peter wasn't going to lie. He was intimidated, Steve was scary, and he had almost killed his dad.

Just as Steve was yelling, Tony came back.
He watched as peter curled into a ball scared.
"Hey?! What are you doing?!" Tony yelled, running over to Peter.

Steve looked at Peter waiting for an answer.

"I wasn't talking to Peter I was talking to you!" Tony said annoyed as he examined Peter, "Hey Pete, are you hurt? What hurts Peter? Are you okay?" The avengers looked shocked.

"I'm fine... i ladri sono arrivati ​​e hanno pensato che fossi un intruso, non è colpa loro se ero solo spaventato." (the rogues came in and they thought I was an intruder, it's not their fault I was just scared.) Peter finished in Italian not wanting the rogues to hear.

The rogues looked extremely confused.

Tony smiled, then looked over at the rogues.

"Dad don't kill them please!" Peter said.

Tony laughed, "Oh I won't kill them. But, if you ever touch my son again you will be kicked out of this pent house, and you can find a nice trash can to live in."

Clint looked over at Peter, "Dad?"

Peter didn't seem to notice and got extremely excited, "Wait Dad, they're living with us?! Oh my gosh that's so cool, like you guys are so cool! Wait- even black widow, no way! That's awesome!"

All the rogues smiled at the kid. He seemed so happy.

"Oh my gosh, that's so cool! Oh, and if you ever try to kill my dad again, I'll make you life hell."
Peter chirped.

The rogues nodded slowly, "Nice to meet you kid." Clint said.

And they allllllll lived happily ever after!

Thanos: "Or did they? Muwhahahaha!"

Thor: Chops Thanos' head off.

Thanos: *dies*

And hey all live happily ever after!

Mysterio: "For now! Muwhahahaha!"

MJ: *comes up from behind and hits him in the head with a large mace*

Mysterio: *goes to jail for the rest of his life because Peter doesn't think he deserves to die*

And they all lived happily ever after!

Later my gators 🐊

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