Peters back.

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Notes: So I don't know the backstory to this, you can decide what happened, but this is just a super short thing that I don't even know. Maybe he was taken by hydra or was in some abusive place like that. Idk. K enjoy! :)

EDIT: AVENGERS ENDGAME is being re-released on JUNE 28 with more deleted scenes.  :D yayyy!

Peter was different. He wasn't the same as he had been. He had scars now. But it wasn't the scars that had changed him. It was what he saw. What he was forced to do. The people he lost. The people he came back to. The people who didn't know what happened, the people who thought he had just transferred school for a year. His best friends who thought he was the same. His friends who thought that the scar was from something else. His friends who didn't know the whole story. His new parents. Who tried to help. Who tried to be understanding. Who said that it would get better. They would never understand.

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