Evolution of a Parker Christmas

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A/N:  *uneditted bc I'm lazy and you're lucky your getting anything*
Happy holidays everyone! I am officially on winter break and boy does it feel good to do nothing lol. I hope you all have a wonderful winter break, no matter what holiday you celebrate! Oh and, I changed the timeline a bit for this cause why not.


Peter, age one.

Mary Parker swooped Peter out of his crib, probably more excited then Peter.

"Hey Petey pie! You know what day it is? It's Christmas! You get presents and yummy food, and we can play games and see all your family!"

Peter giggled gleefully.

Peter, age two.

Richard and Mary Parker had been up late the previous night wrapping Peters presents. They had realized from last year that the wrapping was, apparently, the best part of the present to baby Peter.
" You excited Pete? We got lots of presents downstairs!"

Peter was half awake, "pesnt?"

Peter age five

Peter ran into his parents room. "Mommy, Daddy theirs presents! Santa came! I can tell because he ate the cookies! Do ya think he liked em Daddy?!"

Richard laughed, "I'm sure he did Peter. Now let your mom and I get dressed and we'll go downstairs to open presents!"

"Okay, but hurry!" Peter said excitedly.

Peter, age six

Aunt May and Uncle Ben had been up the previous night working hard. They wanted to make sure Peter had a good Christmas after everything that happened.

May crept into Peters room and turned on the light, "Peter wake up it's Christmas! Let's see if Santa came!"

"Okay, but Santa isn't real aunt May."

May smiled for a second, with eyes full of sadness, "Okay, well come out and open your presents."

Peter, age 8

Peter let or of bed and ran to aunt May and Uncle Ben's room. "May, Ben, it's Christmas! C'mon wake up, hurry!"

May fake groaned, then smiled, " You excited for your presents?"

Peter shrugged, "I mean, I hope you didn't get to many, I don't need all that, we can use that money for other things right?"

Ben smiled, "Pete, it's okay to get yourself good things. Don't worry about money, we have it figured out."

Peter age ten.

Peter woke up early and ran into Mays room. "Aunt May! I got you a bunch of presents!"

May was already up, reading. "Aw Peter, you didn't have to do that. I hope you didn't spend all your money on me, you need to keep that for yourself."

Peter smiled, "Don't worry about my money May, I have it covered. Now come on let's go open presents!"

Peter, age 13

Peter had gotten up extra early on Christmas, to make sure he could go on patrol and make it back in time for May to wake up. He swung around the city, feeling rather happy and warm on the cold winter day.

When he got back, he changed into pajamas, and crawled back into bed, waiting for May to re-wake him up.

Peter, age fourteen

Peter woke up, feeling strange in his new room. It was so big and nice. He got out of bed and went to the living room to find Tony and Pepper waiting.

"Hey Mr. Stark, Pepper, Merry Christmas."

Tony looked over his shoulder and smiled, "Oh Peter you're awake! And I told you, we adopted you, you can call me Tony at least."

Peter smiled, "Fine, just because it's Christmas... What are all the presents for, there's only three of us."

Pepper raised her eyebrows and looked accusingly at Tony, "Tony can sometimes go a bit overboard with gifts."

Tony cleared his throat and bashfully said, "Well I mean, most of them are all kinda... Yours?"

Peters eyes widened.

Peter age fifteen

All the avengers who didn't have a big family were sitting in the living room of Tony's penthouse at the tower. Steve looked over at the Christmas tree.

"Hey Tony, what are all the presents for?" He asked looking at the huge amount of presents under the tree.

Tony looked as if he just remembered something he was supposed to have told them, shock was accurate, "Oh right."

Peter looked over at him, wide eyed, "Tony! It's been months since the team got back together! You haven't told them?!"

"Well at first I didn't want to because I didn't want-well and then I just never thought to-we're so busy and-i try to keep personal life person-"

"What didn't you tell us?" Natasha asked, cutting to the chase.

At that moment Peter ran into the living room, then slide a good few feet on his socks, "It's Christmas!!"

Tony seemed to forget about the avengers and said, "Pete, don't slide like that you could get hurt!"

Peter raised his eyebrows at Tony, "Dad, you literally let me-"

Before anything else was revealed Steve stuttered, "Dad?"

Peter looked at the avengers in his living room, " Oh my gosh the avengers are in my living room."

Peter stood there for a second before loudly whispering to Tony, "Do I need to beat them up?"

The avengers laughed, but Tony quickly stopped them, " I wouldn't laugh, you tried to kill me, his dad, once, and he actually will take you down."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Hmmm."

Peter was already at the presents, and was starting to lift the mjorlin off a present.

"Hey did anyone loose a hammer thing?"

All the avengers just started at Peter for a good minute, until Peter shrugged, set it down and started ripping open a present.

The end.

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