The Grave.

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Peter walked through the empty cold graveyard. Finally, he found a day when no one was barricading his grave. He walked through the yard, passing by each grave, mentally taking note of each name ingraved on the stone  plaques. They seemed to show no emotion, no human traits, but his, his showed everything.

  All his personality, his quirks and faults. The good, the bad. Peter had his hands shoved in the pockets of his red zipped up jacket. You could see his breath is the chill of the fall afternoon. The sky was clouded, and dull. He had his tan dirtied backpack on, with dark sun glasses in a case on the inside. He hadn't brought himself to put them on yet. He didn't know if he could ever put them on.

  Finally Peter reached the grave he was looking for. He stood at a far distance just looking at it. The sight made his shiver, not from the cold. His grave was surrounded with cards, flowers and small ironman plushes. Tears threatened to slip from Peters eyes, as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He stood there like a statue. The stone was clean cut and polished.

Anthony Stark.

Peter could feel his heart clench every time he breathed. He finally inhaled and took a step closer. And another step, and another, until he was right next to the grave. He looked down on to the quote.
I'm finally satisfied with everything.

That was the quote? That was the quote. Tony had said that to him, before he died. But they didn't put what he said just before that. He had said, " Your here now Peter. Your here now, I'm finally satisfied with everything."

Peter let a tear slip as he fell to the ground. He pheld out a shaky hand and brushed it against the cold stone. He let himself cry small cries, as he leaned against the stone. He placed his head against the stone. It wasn't the same, as when he leaned into tony in real life. In real life tony was warm and comforting, but this, this was just stone. Hard cold stone.

Peter just sat there crying. He couldn't stop, they just kept coming, streaming down his face and landing on his curled up legs. After a while he couldn't keep his eyes open, and he fell asleep. Next to Tony, just like the old times, when he had a nightmare. His body gently moved up and down to the rhythm of his breath.

Two months later.

Peter was back at the grave. It still hurt. It still hurt so bad. This time he didn't hesitate to sit down right next to the stone. He let the tears slide. He wondered if he would ever stop crying. This time he was sitting crisscross across from the grave. He promised to visit Tony's grave as much as he could. He promised. After an hour of just sitting and crying, Peter got up, and with a shaky voice, said, " Merry Christmas, Tony."

Four months later.

Peter kept his promise. He visited Tony's grave all the time. It was finally starting to warm up outside and people seemed to be happy. Everyone took some time to adjust to there new lives, but now, everyone seemed happy.
Peter went up to the grave. He could easily find his way to Tony's, even when the Ironman plushes and cards had lessened. He sat down and brushed a leaf off the grave.

He took a shaky breath, " H-hey Tony. I never really, um, tried talking to you... I-I think it was because if I d-did I would break d-down, which is s-silly because I was already breaking down. Um, I j-just wanted to s-say I miss you and I d-don't forget you. I think about you every day. I w-wish you were still here... and- I'm sorry."

Peter broke down letting tears fly out, his breath becoming jagged, " I t-tried being h-happy b-because thats w-what you would've w-wanted but I just m-miss y-you okay! I miss you so much. And everyone thinks I'm crazy because they don't know how personal I know you. And, I can't stop crying! I'm I'm sorry."

Almost two months later

Peter took a breath, " Hey, Tony. I'm back to say hi, like every Tuesday. I just wanna let you know, I-I might be gone for a bit, I really hope you don't mind, I'm going on a class trip to Venice. I- I'm going to tell MJ how I feel... I wish you were here so you could tell me what to do. Um, yeah that's all."Peter let one lone tear slide. It had gotten better. Still hurt, but it had gotten better.

Two years later.

"Hey Tony, guess what? I graduated! Are you proud? And I got accepted into m.i.t. just like you had hoped I would. Ned and I are dorming together, you know, my guy in the chair? Don't worry I'm still going to visit you, all the time. I would never forget about you."

A year later

"Hey Tony, today I stopped a bike grand theft, and helped this old lady cross the street. Oh, and this nice lady gave me a churro, so that was nice. You know they're doing a big event to remember you? You would've loved it. I'm speaking as Spider-Man, but I don't really know what to say. Happy and my Aunt, are like a thing now? Can you believe it? I mean it was pretty obvious ever since the field trip to Venice. I miss you still, but I'm getting better all the time."


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