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Notes: this idea was floating around my head, because it just sounded like something that peter would do. TW: Mentions of death and homelessness.

Peter was walking down the street to delmars. His usual spot. Then someone caught his eye. That man had been there for a few days now. Peter walked into the sandwich shop. He got his usual order and then last minute decided to make it two of his usual order.

Peter walked out and sat down next to the older man, "Can I sit here?"
The man raised his eyebrows, " You sure you want to sit next to me?" Peter just nodded.
"I got you my favorite sandwich from here." He gestured toward the building, " Do you have any allergies?"

The man shook his head confused at what was going on. Peter handed him the sandwich, " So this is your spot? I'm peter by the way." The man was confused still, " Yeah this is where I hang out during the day... lots o' generous people... My names Joshua."
Peter nodded, his mouth full, " So like where do you go to sleep?"

Joshua shrugged, " Homeless shelter, but when it's full or there's a family who needs it more than me I just walk around."
Peter nodded, " I live a block over from here with my aunt."

"What about your parents?" Joshua smiled, he liked the kid. Peter looked away for a second. That said it all, " I see... same thing happened to me, but I was a bit older than you."

Peter looked up, " Really?" Joshua nodded, "You want to know how I got here?"

Peter did, but he hadn't wanted to be rude. He gave a slight nod.

"Well, I was in highschool, but I dropped out, because of problems at home. I was living with my grandparents, but there health wasn't gettin to be the best and we didn't have a lot of money, so I went out to find work. Then my grandma died, so I had to work more, to help out my pops."

Peter was listening intently. Joshua continued, " So when my pops died, I had to feed myself, and I was doing pretty good for a long while, scraping by, but then as I got older I couldn't do so many hard jobs. My health ain't the best, so eventually I didn't have the money. Now I'm here, and I'm content."

Peter looked at the old man. He was content here? After talking for a few more minutes, Peter had finished his sandwich and had to leave. "Can I come back tomorrow?" The old man nodded but said, " Listen kid you don't have to."

Peter shook his head, " Your nice. I like hanging out here." And with that peter waved and he was off.

Half a year had passed and almost every day peter would come and check in on Joshua, to make sure he was okay, occasionally bringing him things like a coat and food in return for stories.

One day peter came to Josh. Peter had came in a fancy black car. Joshua was thoroughly confused. He knew the kid didn't have money for that type of thing. Peter got out of the back, with a sad face. "Hey kid, haven't seen you in a couple days. What's with the car?"

Peter ran over to josh and pulled him into a hug. Peter started crying. "Hey, Hey kid I got you. What's wrong?" Joshua was surprised by the embrace. "I-it's A-Aunt m-m-May. She's g-g-gone." Peter choked out a sob.

Joshua's heart broke. He knew the kid didn't have any other family. "Shh. It's okay pete. I got you- do you have a place to stay?"
Peter nodded, " Yeah..."

Joshua looked at peter, " Is it a good place? They treatin' you good?"

Peter nodded, tears streaming down his face. At that moment tony decided to meet the famous 'Joshua'. Peter had begged him to let him go see Josh. He got out of the car and walked over to Peter, " Hey, Petey, we have to go in a few minutes okay?"

Peter nodded and let go of Joshua. Tony looked at the man, " Thank you for taking care of Peter."

Josh just chuckled, "More like he takes care of me," he turned to peter, " Kid your life is crazy, you didn't tell me you knew Tony Stark." Peter wiped a tear away and laughed, "Yeah I forgot to mention that part."

Joshua's heart broke for the kid. Why did his aunt have to die. After everything? Tony smiled. Only peter would become best friends with this guy.

They turned to leave and Josh called out, " Kid? It's going to be okay. Trust me." Peter nodded, " See you tomorrow." Josh just smiled. He was the luckiest guy on the block.

Ever since that day peter would come back, sometimes bringing his friends or his new found family.

Yeah. Joshua was definitely the luckiest guy on the block.

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