"H-hi I'm Peter Parker"

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A/N: So this took a turn at the end, that I am not mad about. Enjoy :)) I start school tomorrow so we'll see how much I update.

Peter was a naturally shy an introverted person, that is when he wasn't wearing the suit. Tony knew this, after all he had known the kid for two years. He was probably the happiest he had been in a long time. He had an awesome kid who thought of him as his dad, he had an amazing fiancé, and the rogues where making amends.

Peter walked into the kitchen after school, texting Ned. This is when he heard a small cough. He looked up to see all the rogues standing in the kitchen.

He looked around surprised, then saw his dad. He quickly made his way to Tony. When he got to Tony he leaned into him and Tony put his arm around Peter.

Steve was the first to speak up, "Um, Tony Who's the random kid who just walked into your kitchen."

Tony smiled, "Well he definitely isn't random."

Peter smiled, "H-hi I'm Peter Parker...Um, Dad what are they doing here?"

Some of the avengers raised there eyebrows at Peter saying dad.

Tony hugged Peter close, "They're going to sign the accords."

Peters eyes lit up, "Really?! Oh thank goodness. That takes off a lot of worry."

Clint spoke up, "Why where you worrying?"

Peter looked shy as he wiggled around, "Um well, my parents died in a plane crash when I was five, and I went to live with my aunt. Then I watched my uncle get shot and die, I was just worried you would kill dad... not that I think you guys are bad, you just... I can't loose another dad..."

The team looked a bit surprised, and saddened by Peters answer.

Natasha looked with care at Peter, "So Tony's your... dad?"

Peter nodded then shook his head then nodded, "Its... yeah, he is. Not biologically but it feels like he is. And I stay at the tower on the weekdays because my aunt is at work late usually."

Tony nodded, "It's true, this one seems to be always here. Not that I mind. I mean he is the ring bearer at the wedding."

Peter nodded seemingly more comfortable, "I can't believe you and mom are getting married! It's like a dream come true."

Tony smiled, knowing another almost bigger surprise was coming later that night. At dinner Pepper and Tony where going to ask Peter if they could adopt him. They had already asked May and she said yes, as she was going to be moved for her work soon anyway and she didn't want to make Peter move schools.

Tony smiled, "Okay go do your homework and then we can work in the lab."

Peter smiled, "Okay, bye love you."

Tony smiled as Peter ran off to his room, "Love you too Pete."

The team turned to Tony with big wacky smiles on there face.

Natasha smiled, "Sorry that was cute."

Tony smiled a bit, as Pepper walked in to join them, as she had to leave to take a call for a minute.

The team all agreed that Peter and Tony where a cute father son duo.

"Yeah, hopefully soon he'll be our legal son." Tony said.

The team looked confused.

Pepper smiled, "Tonight at dinner we're going to ask Peter if we can adopt him."

No one had noticed Peter walking in as they said that until it was too late.

"Peter it was-" Tony started.

Peter ran over to Pepper and Tony and tackled them in a bear hug. He started crying, as well as Pepper, and even Tony had some tears filling his eyes.

"I love you both." Peter said, still hugging them both.

Pepper smiled, "We love you to Petey."

Tony laughed, "Oh thank goodness you said yes!"

He picked up Peter and twirled him around. Even though he was fourteen, he was light as a feather.

The rogues watched the trio happy smiles on all their faces. Who knew Tony could be so soft?

They had all already fallen in love with this kid.

"Thank you thank you thank you." Peter said still crying, with a grin on his face.
"I- I finally have a family!"

Pepper smiled and pulled Peter into a hug, "You have always had a family here, now it's just official. You can even change your last name to Peter Stark if you want."

Peter nodded enthusiastically, "Of course! I wouldn't want it any other way! Wait when will the paper work be done? When can we do it? Will it take a long time?"

Tony chuckled, "Everything's been signed, there's just a few more signatures you have to sign. Then tomorrow we can go to court and it will be official."

Peter couldn't stop crying, he didn't even remember the rogues in the room. He couldn't stop smiling and hugging Tony and Pepper.

After much more hugging and crying and 'I love you's Peter asked, "Hey do I get to get out of school?"

Tony and Pepper laughed, "Yes I think you do."

Everything was perfect.

The End.

Later my gators 🐊

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