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A/N: So I wrote this while listening to upbeat songs sped waaaay up, so that explains that. Also the avengers know Peter well, but don't know Peter is Spider-Man. Okay that's all enjoy!

Peter was hungry. Well, he wasn't really hungry, he just was bored so he decided to eat.
He crawled out of his room, like a vampire going outside, cautiously checking if it's sunny.

He rummaged through the kitchen, finding nothing. Yes it is true, the billionaire Tony Stark, seemed to be out of food.

Finally (only a couple seconds later) Peter found something to eat. It wasn't maybe the healthiest option, but he was bored, and everyone was busy! What was he supposed to do?

So he grabbed the one thing he found. A bag of marshmallows.

Half an hour later Tony came back to the penthouse, from the meeting Pepper forced him to.

He arrive to an alarming sight to say the least.

Peter was jumping on the couch, laughing uncontrollably, with an almost empty bag of marshmallows.

"Hi Tony I haven't seen you in like an hour, or maybe even two, like everyone's gone, which is really boring because I did all my homework because all I had was English and my English teacher is so funny he gave us cupcakes a few days ago because he had left overs from his baby shower- is Pepper pregnant? That would be so much fun to have a baby, and we could name the baby molly or something or Morgan ooh I like that one, anyway how've you been, I've just been eating these marshmallows, and I stayed up late last night but I'm really awake right now and I don't know why-" Peter said this all faster than the flash- sorry wrong universe, I meant quick silver.

Tony smiled. He was recording this. "Peter, can you calm down for a sec? Just... get off the couch and sit down...."

Peter immediately jumped off the couch, then sat down on said couch, only to jump back up seconds later. Tony slapped his face, resulting in Peter sitting down again, with the goofiest grin plastered on his face. He proceeded to stand up and sit down over and over.

Tony, proceeded to call the team, telling them they needed to come to the penthouse.

The whole team arrived minutes later, thinking it could be serious. Then they saw peter. And marshmallows scatter on the floor. And peter with an almost empty bag of marshmallows. Peter was jumping on the chair.

"Oh hey guys! I'm jumping on the chair because tony told me to stop jumping on the couch! It's super fun you should try it! I feel so free today! Like I don't know what's going on but I feel awesome! I only got two hours of sleep last night too! Oooh we should take a trip to Greece! I've seen the Instagram photos guys, it's pretty cool! Yessss! We're going to Greece!"

Peter proceeded to lift the bag of marshmallows over his head and twirl them around, resulting in them flying everywhere, including hitting the avengers in the room.

Then Peter got off the chair and started running around the pent house. All the avengers were in hysterics, until they couldn't find Peter.

"Umm, Where'd he go?" Clint said slowly.

Tony seemed to realize something and said, "Oh no. Peter! Remember they don't know!"

The team was confused but only became more confused, and honestly shocked when Peter came running in. Upside down. On the ceiling.

Peter laughed for a good minute looking at the avengers faces, "Don't know what? That I'm Spider-Man? I AM SPIDERMAN! there, now they know."

Tony slapped his face, again, as the rest of the team tried to comprehend the matter.
The end.

Later my gators 🐊

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