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A/N: you might want to get in the right mindset for this, I recommend listening to post apocalyptic ambience. You get how this chapter is gonna be now?


"He did it."

"We've never lost. We've never lost. Not a single villian, or robot, or fight. The Avengers don't lose." Tony stuttered out.

"But you lost. That boy, Peter."

Tony blinked rapidly. He was trying not to think about if he would be able to get home. He was trying to not think about if Pepper was alive. He was trying to not think about everyone who he had just watched die.

He was trying not to think.

Too much had just happened to actually process anything correctly.


Peter was just a kid. Tony couldn't get the sound of Peter's sobs out of his head.

What about that kid- what was his name? Harley, that's right.

Tony thought. He must be Peter's age now.

Tony wondered if he was dead.

"What do we do now." Nebula asked.

Tony sat still.

There was a long beat of silence.

"We go home." Tony said, slowly dusting off his hands, shivering, remembering the image of how everyone left.

"We don't have anyone who knows how to man the ship." Nebula offered.

Tony knew she was right.

"Well, if we don't make it back, if we die floating in space, so be it. We have to try. I need to see if Pepper is alive. Then I'll reevaluate my plan." Tony said.

"What's your plan?" Nebula asked.

Tony got up from where he sat, "We'll just have to wait and see if Pepper is alive. She's all I've ever had."

Nebula followed after Tony, "What about that boy? Is he not yours?"

Tony blinked rapidly again, "Peter? Yeah... Well, you saw what happened to him. To everyone."

The weight of that word lay off Tony's chest.


Everyone had been counting on them. On him.

And he had failed.

Everyone had lost somebody. The pain he felt want unique poor special, because everyone in the world was feeling the same pain.

All at once. It was like the pain connected them all, all the remaining.

Tony made his way into the ship.

His brain had emotionally shut down, like a phone that you had been blasting information through until it just stopped.



"Are you sad because of losing the boy?"

"Yes. Let's not talk about it right now. Right now, we bed to keep our hopes up for the survivors."

Millions upon millions of people around the world, everywhere, had just had their lives changed.

Tony went numb as he worked with the ship, flipping switches on, realizing someone was probably at a wedding when it all happened. Maybe at their own.

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