get off your phone?

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A/N: Now is the time to make a change.

Peter was sitting on the couch at the Tower, texting MJ and Ned. It was the first time he was sitting down and taking a break that day, after doing hours of homework and spidermanning.

A few minutes later, Steve came in, and gave Peter a look.

"Hi Mr. Steve." Peter smiled before looking down at his phone again.

"You know Peter, when I was a kid, I didn't have a phone to be glued to all the time. You should really get off that thing every now and then." Steve said.

Peter continued typing his sentence, then put his phone down, trying to hold in an eye roll. Peter loved Steve like an Uncle, but he wasn't what you would call 'woke'.

"Oh, you're right. I'll get off my phone and do something I guess." Peter said.

Steve gave Peter a prompt nod, "Good for you Pete."

Little did Steve know, Peter was going to make Steve look not so great. All in good fun of course.

He quickly went onto his computer, looked a few things up, made a few calls, put out a post as @ PeterBP and then made a post as @ SpidermanOfficial directing his followers to 'this kids' account.

Then, the next step of Peter's plan was to go to Tony and ask for some pocket change. Tony gave Peter 500 dollars. Of course.

In five minutes Peter made the best hype up Spotify playlist, and headed out to the store.

There he picked up some huge poster board, a few megaphones, a lot of bottles water, some paint, and a candy bar.

Next Peter got to Central Park, and started setting up. He talked to the NYPD police that were there. He went to check the podium and mic, shook hands with the New York City mayor, met some news reporters, found some volunteers on the street to hand out water.

Now it was time to start. Peter had literally been running, sprinting, around to get this ready, and now it was time. People started filling in, and give minutes later, Peter was standing in front of at least give hundred people. This was better than he ever could have imagined.

He ran and have some people the mega phones, so they could start chants.

Yes, Peter Parker has been told to get off his phone, so he started a revolution. A protest to be specific.

There was chanting, personal stories were told news channels were interviewing people, Peter obviously gave a speech, then Peter got interviewed.

The whole thing lasted about three hours, and by the end there was over 3000 people.

"Okay everyone, we're going to start wrapping up, mostly because I'm supposed to be home for dinner by 6:30 and it's 5:45! Thank you all for coming, this was absolutely amazing! Don't just stop here, remember to be always making a change, in whatever way you can! Now, before you leave, if you could just pick up a few pieces of trash around you, that would be an amazing help!" Peter stood at the podium and announced.

Once most of the people were gone, Peter went around saying his thank yous to last minute volunteers, news reporters, the police, because the police actually did there job and made sure to keep the protest peaceful.

Finally everything was done, and Peter ran home, as it was almost 6:30.

He made it back just in time.

"Oh, Peter, I was just about to call for you to come down." Pepper smiled.

All the avengers slowly made there way to the table and started eating.

Peter had put on the TV, because he figured it would be funny to watch the avengers reactions especially Steve.

They were all eating when the news came on.

"In other news, a fifteen year old boy, Peter Parker, started a huge protest today, with only two hours of planning after being told to get off his phone." A lady from inside the TV said.

Immediately all the avengers at the table turned to look at the TV in surprise.

They then showed footage from the protest, of thousands of people chanting, signs in hand.

They showed multiple people up on the podium giving testimonies, including Peter making a key now speech about the need for change in modern society.

Peter continued eating.

"I- I told you to get off your phone." Steve said shocked.

Peter just nodded.

"How did you originize that in two hours?!" Natasha asked.

Peter shrugged.

"Gen Z is a different breed. We're ready for change, and we aren't going to wait for the adults to do something." Wanda said.

"Oh, Wanda, were you there?" Peter asked.

Wanda nodded, "I was stuck in the back, and I got there when there was only like, 1000 people. When I saw your post I started heading that way, but dang traffic was pretty bad because so many people were heading there."

Peter nodded, "Yeah, I had the NYPD on traffic control, but it was all just a lot, I didn't expect such a big turn out."

Wanda nodded.

The other avengers watched in shock as Peter and Wanda casually talked about hope Peter had gotten the NYPD, the mayor, and thirty volunteers in just a day, to show it to the protest.

"Wow, uh, Peter, good for you for getting if your phone." Steve said after a moment.

"I mean, I was only on it for two minutes before you told me to get off, before that I was out spidermanning." Peter said.

"Oh." Was all Steve could manage to get out.

Peter smiled sweetly, "Don't underestimate me Mr. Steve."

And from that day on, Peter was never underestimated.

"Okay, let's all pitch in to clear the table... Oh, uh, who's hammer is this? Thor's right, it was just sitting on the counter so I picked it up."

Okay so they underestimated him once after that.

But then, they never underestimated Peter again.

A/N: This was an old one shot, completely finished, idk I just didn't feel like posting but here ya go. I seem to be going through a slump where I'll come up with a great idea and then reach the climax and give up on it. Like actually I have around 20-30 drafts all lined up next to each other, with what I think are really cool ideas and concepts. Hopefully I get over this slump.

Later my Gators 🐊

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