A classic field trip to SI

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"Class, were going on a field trip- to Stark Industries!"

The words echoed in peters head as everyone cheered. He hit his head on his desk. A few people looked over at him strangely.

Ned and MJ just laughed.

Peter practically lived at Stark Tower. He did in fact. His Aunt moved to Italy, to be closer to her relatives. The plan had been for Peter to come with, but when he said he wanted to finish highschool at Midtown, Tony had suggested shared custody.

And now they were here. Peter had to go on a field trip, where all of his family would embarrass the heck out of him, because that's what the avengers do in their free time.

That afternoon, when Peter got home, he didn't bother hiding his permission slip.
He was already 70 percent sure this was set up by his family anyway.

He walked into the kitchen, to see Steve already making dinner, Tony sipping on coffee, like usual, and Thor, who was apparently contemplating the pop tart.

"It's just so... perfect. The bread to jam ratio, the fact that the frosting doesn't get gloppy after toasting it... delicious."

Tony barely raised an eyebrow, "I think the fact that the frosting doesn't get gloppy is the most concerning part- Hey Pete. How's school?"
Steve and Thor seemed to stop what they were doing to look over at Peter.

Yep, they had planned it. "Cmon, guys I already know you planned it could you just sign the form so I can get it over with?" Peter said, ignoring the thing with Thor and his pop tart.

Tony pretended to be fake hurt, "Wha- I'm offended, I would never plan such a thing as a field trip to Stark Tower."

Peter smiled and raised an eyebrow, "I never said anything about it being at Stark Tower."
Tony shook his head, " Darn, you got me. Now, you need me to sign a form. Ironic, I'm signing a form for you to come to your home."

"Does everyone know?"
"As in, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Thor, and Pepper? Then, yes."
"Peppers in on this to?!"
"No Pepper says, I want no part in this!" Tony mimicked Pepper, just as she walked in.

"Because I will always take our sons side. And I don't sound like that." Pepper smiled, " For the record Steve and Bruce were pretty reluctant." Steve nodded from the sidelines, muttering,
"Tony is just so convincing."

"Where have you been?" Tony asked Pepper, changing the subject as he signed the slip and gave it back to Peter.
"Catching up with an old friend, Amy Santiago. Remember she was at the wedding?"

Tony nodded. Peter just muttered, " Just don't embarrass me. I'm going to go do homework, love you dad, mom." Tony and Pepper burst into smiles. They knew Peter wasn't actually mad at them. "Hey Movie night tonight okay?!" Tony shouted at Peter as he walked away, " Wouldn't miss it!"

Pepper just shook her head, " Why you two have Movie night on Wednesday I'll never know." They never let Pepper in the room when they were doing their own personal movie night, because, in fact, they wore pink onesies and watched mean girls.

The next day when Peter got to class, they immediately left for the bus. So he went to school for about five minutes before heading home for the day. "Hey Parker, I cant wait to see your face when no one knows you at you 'internship'." Peter just rolled his eyes, " Flash, you wouldn't even understand what a bajlin in a steffet is."

Flash looked confused, then embarrassed and sat down. Ned looked at Peter, " What's that?"
Peter shrugged, " I honestly don't know."

The bus ride was uneventful, aside from Flash's muttering. Finally they made it to the tower. Ned looked over at Peter, " Why are you so nervous? You work here, you can prove you do to Flash."

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