Meeting the parents

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A/N: So. It's an old draft. It's MJ meeting the parents. Peters biological parents... are dead. Buuuut Peter was adopted after his aunt passed by a lovely couple, the freaking Starks.

"So I get to meet your parents next? You met mine." MJ said holding Peters hand.

Peter sighed, "Okay, okay... but just warning you, my parents can be intimidating."

"Nothing intimidates me." MJ dead panned.

Peter laughed a bit just hoping she was right.
It had been a year since Peter had been adopted by Pepper and Tony, and he he known them both, and acted like there kid years before that. No body knew about the Starks being his parents.

"Also I have a three year old sister, so don't mind her." Peter wasn't worried about Morgan. Everybody who knew Morgan loved her.

Later in the day came the time.
"Okay now bring me to your house!" MJ said.
Peter smiled at her eagerness, "Okay, Okay... just remember-."

"Don't get intimidated I know, what's so intimidating about your family?"

"Um, well I have a ton of crazy Aunts and Uncles... and when I say crazy I mean... like some of them are aliens."

MJ laughed. She didn't realize he was not joking. Peter literally knew a talking raccoon.

"I don't think any of them are at home right now so... we'll see. They come to visit a lot though- and when they do, it's like a mad house. A very fun mad house." By now they had arrived at the tower.

"Um Peter what are we doing at Stark Tower?"

Peter sighed, "You'll see."

Peter and MJ went up the elevator.
"Why are we at your work Peter?!" MJ asked exasperated.

Peter just sighed again. "So maybe I didn't tell you some important things about my family... so i was adopted a year ago by someone I knew, you know that right?"

MJ nodded. "Well I didn't exactly tell you who they were. So my parents are-."


The elevator door opened. First a little girl plummeted herself at Peter.
"Peeeter!" The little girl exclaimed. It didn't take MJ long to realize they were at the Stark penthouse. She slowly pieced it all together.

"Peter are your parents... the Starks?"

This was answered by Tony walking in, wearing rather casual clothes. "Hey Pete have you seen... who's this?"

As of on cue Pepper came in, "Peter I'm going to be gone to Zimbabwe for a meeting... hi..."

MJ was laughing in her head. Only Peter would be adopted by the Starks.
"Hi, I'm MJ, Peters girlfriend."

Tony, Pepper and Morgan's eyes lit up.
"Oh we've heard so much about you! It's nice to finally meet you." Pepper said eagerly.

Peter blushed at all the excitement, "Um MJ, you know who Pepper and Tony are yeah?" MJ nodded. "Yeah they're my parents and then this," Peter hoisted up Morgan in his arms, " is Morgan my sister."

"Hi!" Morgan said in her happiest baby voice.

MJ smiled, " Hi Morgan!"

All of the sudden a portal opened up and Thor as well as Bruce, Rocket (yes the raccoon), Steve and Stephen stumbles out.

"What have I told you about using portals in the tower Stephen! Especially without asking!" Tony said.

MJ had been the only one to flinch when this all happened the others acted like it was a normal thing.

"Well I was forced into doing it by." Then Stephen waved his hand at all the others.

Tony rolled his eyes, " Why are you all here? This seems like a rather random group."

"We were all in target when we ran into each other and we decided we wanted to visit you." Steve said.

Tony raised an eyebrow, " Um, Rocket, why were you at target? Don't you travel space with your space people?"

The raccoon just shrugged, "We decided to pop in."

MJ leaned over to Peter, "Um Peter what's going on?"

Morgan ran up to Thor, " Uncle Thor! Uncle Bruce!"

"Oh, yeah, random people from the avengers usually like the tower as a hangout space. It's fun."

The avengers and the raccoon shifted there gaze to the unfamiliar face.

Bruce smiled, " And who is this?"

"I'm MJ, Peters girlfriend." MJ said, not caring anymore that there where talking raccoons in the room. I mean she wouldn't expect less... it was Peter.

Bruce, Thor, and the raccoon have stupid smiles on there faces as they say, "oOOoooOooOh peters in loOooOve."

Stephen and Steve proceed to judge the three, and Clint becomes over protective, "Listen up MJ, I'm a trained spy and assassin. If you hurt Peter, I hurt you."

Peter quickly reassured MJ that wouldn't happen, giving a forceful look at Clint.
So they all continued on to have dinner.

And that's how MJ met part of Peters family.

Later my gators 🐊

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