The Spirit of Peter Parker

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A/N: in which Peter Parker is a ghost.

Peter took the bullet for his uncle. And after he died, Ben and May moved out of there huge building (bc they were rich in this au) Peter didn't know where to, and he preferred to stay at his home anyway. He missed them sometimes, but he knew they would meet again, someday.


Tony Stark had just bought a building for his new HQ for SI. And for a great price too. No one wanted it, because some kids died in it and strange things happened supposedly because of that.

Tony however didn't believe in any of that. Sure it wasn't impossible, he knew a talking racoon. However, it had been a week and nothing has happened.

Well, nothing Tony could see.

Peter on the other hand, was definitely there. He floated around, watched the TV in the penthouse when it was on, smelling the food being prepared in the kitchen (it was the closest he got to tasting it). Peter, was not a  very vengeful spirit, in fact he was very mellow.


  It had only been two weeks since Tony moved in, but Peter loved it.

When he was alive, just years ago, he adored Tony, especially iron man.

A memory that never seemed to wash away, was when Iron Man had stood next to him, fighting off a huge robot. He hasn't known what was going on, but in that moment, he was invincible. He could do anything.

And now, Tony Stark was living in his home- or well, not anymore but still!

Peter only wished he could be seen. He got lonely as a ghost.

One day, a class came to take a tour. They where somehow lucky enough to have Tony be the tour guide, so Peter decided to tag along, this could be interesting.

Peters ghost like heart dropped as he saw the class. It was... People he knew- before he died.

He looked at the class until he spotted Ned and MJ. He hasn't seen them since he died.

He just stood, looking at them. They were laughing, having fun.

For some reason, in that moment Peter felt more alone then ever. He really just wanted to be seen. Heard. Noticed.

Peter ran to Ned to hug him, but of course, just fell through.

Need shivered, "Do you ever randomly get a shiver down your spine?"

MJ looked at him, "You're weird Ned."

Ned laughed, "Oh I know."

Peter just looked at Ned sadly.

Flash started coming towards Ned. Peter definitely remembered Flash. The biggest bully, whom he and Ned hated.

Or had apparently. Flash came up to Ned and MJ. They just started talking like friends. As Peter looked around, everyone seemed to do the same. Like they all became friends instead of everyone in there own cliques, like when Peter was alive.

Peter frowned. Everything seemed... Better. Of course now that he was dead, everything was better.

And he was alone, surrounded by people.

The tour stopped at the museum level, after a bit. Peter finally ran into a different room.

The only person there was Tony.

Peter sat down onto the floor, curling up in a ball.

"What the hell?!" He yelled.

"Why do I have to be dead! I'm dead, alone, no one my age is supposed to be dead! WHY WONT ANYONE NOTICE ME!"

Tony turned around, and there eyes met.

Peter looked at Tony, "D-do you... see me?"

A/N: Part two coming soon :)

Later my Gators 🐊

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