Birthday Party

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A/N: Okay this is reallyyyyy short and honestly I have no idea what it's supposed to be, but here you go. Yep. Btw Peter hadn't met Mr. Stark yet in this bc he's only fourteen.

It was Peters fourteenth Birthday. He was in the hospital, after Mays death.

Best birthday ever, Peter thought.

It was just his luck.

He walked around the halls of the hospital. Somehow he made it to the Birthing wing (idk what it's called don't judge).

Every time a baby was born a soft nursery song played around the wing.
Hey we all share a birthday together Peter thought.

Peter passed the nursery. There were so many babies. So much life. Peter looked at the name tags on each baby bed. He stopped in front of one. A small tender baby. Peter, it said on the name tag.

He just stared at the baby. Thirty minutes passed by. A woman in a wheelchair came up behind Peter. "Is that your brother?" She said smiling. Peter had been crying and he hadn't noticed, but now he realized it was hard to talk. "Um, n-no. No. He's not my brother."

The lady looked at Peter with concern, "Are you okay?"

Peter finally gave in to the poor lady. He shook his head. "No... m-my last living relative d-died two days ago. It's m-my birthday, and I have no where to go, so I'm wandering the hospital halls."

Peter felt bad for the lady. She hadn't signed up for all this. All his baggage.

The lady put her arms out. Peter was confused then he remembered, right hugs. He leaned into the hug gratefully.

"It'll all be okay." She said.

He gave a weak laugh, " Thanks for coming to my birthday party."

The lady had long red hair and a kind face.

"You can stay with me if you need to."

Peter looked at the lady, " But you don't even know me."

"Yeah... I just need to make sure you have a place to stay. Do you have a social worker coming to get you?"

Peter nodded, " Yeah..."

"Listen it's going to be okay. You want to come with me to the hospital cafeteria? I can try and get you a cupcake or something?"

"Thanks... yeah."

The lady smiled. As they walked down the hall Peter asked, " Oh, I'm Peter, what's your name?"

"Natasha. Nice to meet you Peter."

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