Back to school. I wasn't on vacation.

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A/N: This is a really old draft, from, like, last summer, so I don't know how good d it is. It seems like I kinda have up at the end tho 😅 anyway, I'm going to be trying to put out all my finished drafts.


Peter had been at Hydra for two weeks. Two weeks of torture. Two weeks of pain. Two weeks of unbearable fear.

Until Tony saved him. And took him in. And helped him get over the pain.

An d now finally after a month of not being in school, it was time for Peter to go back. He was excited to see Ned and MJ, but also nervous. Everyone was told that Peter was on vacation, but he still had a scar going right down the right side of his face.

People just might notice.

Peter got out of Tony's car. Thankfully he was early so no one was there, except MJ and Ned.

"Have a good day- oh and Peter- you don't have to tell anyone anything. Do what you feel comfortable with. If you need to come home just call okay?"

Peter nodded, " Bye Dad, see you later!"

"Remember your therapy got rescheduled to Friday!" Tony said out the window as Peter walked away.

Just as Tony pulled out of the school, MJ and Ned came bounding up to Peter.

"Peter where did you go?!"
"Where you really on vacation?!"
"Was it something with Mr. Stark?"
"Was it about the internship?!"

The two slowly stopped as they noticed a long scar on Peters face.

MJ almost looked scared. And she didn't show emotion.
Quietly Ned said, "Peter... what happened?"

Peter smiled, "It's nothing! So what did I miss?" Peter tried to brush it off.

MJ and Ned weren't going to let him off that easy, "Peter, seriously, are you okay? What happened?"

Peter gave in. Kinda. Well not really. "I guess you could say I was on a mission... Nevermind. Forget it. I don't want to talk about it."

MJ and Ned looked confused, "Peter are you s-."
Peter cut MJ off, "I don't want to talk about it."
It came out just a bit too harsh. Ned and MJ decided to not ask anymore questions, though they were still concerned.

The rest of the day was okay. Peter felt everyone staring at him and his scar, but he hadn't seen Flash... oh wait there he is.

"Parker! Why do you want so much attention?!"

Ignore him Peter. Don't let him get to you. He doesn't know what happened.

"What's with the fake scar?! No one is going to come to your pity party!"

All of the sudden Peter was cornered, and the situation became more than he could handle.

His PTSD was kicking in.
"Why do you look so scared Parker? You afraid of me?! You should be!"

Peter didn't feel like he was in school anymore. He was back at hydra.
The doctors swarming around him.

"We're going to do a test spider. If you don't comply we will hurt you even more than we already did."

Peter sat and only let a tear slide when he saw the sharp glint of a knife.

"Why is it crying?! STOP!" The man who had just yelled slashed Peters face. Blood trickled down Peters face. He couldn't see out of his right eye now.

The doctors started cutting at Peter, which caused Peter to scream.

Flash looked down at Peter. He had barely done anything, and Peter was curled in a ball on the floor wailing and screaming. He decided to slowly back away. He had no idea what was going on.

Everyone had gone to class. MJ and Ned were in class already. There was no one to calm Peter down. So he just stayed there, freaking out. He would go in and out of being terrified and trying to calm himself down.

Then the bell rang. And Ned came, and found him curled in his ball.

"Peter? Peter! Are you okay?"

Peter looked up at Ned, "Don't let them take me Ned- it hurts, it hurts!"

Ned looked confused, but after a minute he connected the dots. Ned's Dad was in the war, and had developed PTSD. Ned knew how to calm him down pretty well by now.

"Peter. You aren't there anymore. Your here. Your safe. You aren't there. All the bad is gone Peter." Of course Ned didn't know the context which wasn't helpful, but he tried his best.

Eventually Peter calmed down.
"Do you need me to call Tony?" Ned asked. He was concerned for Peter but he didn't invade. Peter shook his head, "I have to make it through the day. I'm over it now. I can do it."

Ned was concerned to say the least, "Peter, please what's wrong? I'm calling Mr. Stark."

Peter didn't resist. He said nothing. Minutes later Tony was rushing over to Peter, "Peter are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine... I- I just... it felt like I was back there again, and I could feel it all and I thought I was back there and and"
Tony pulled Peter into a hug, "It's okay. You can try again tomorrow." Peter nodded numbly.

Ned, who had been joined by MJ was growing more and more concerned, "Mr. Stark, is Peter alright? What's going on?"

Tony looked at Peter, who nodded.
"Peter was taken by Hydra, for two weeks. For two weeks they did tests on him, tortured him, and did surgeries, without any medication. He was given barely any food and was beaten every day. When we found I him, he was so starved and didn't have enough blood, he would have died within the day. He's getting better though. It just takes some time."

Ned nodded, not knowing what to think.

Peter went home, and Tony decided they needed a movie night. So that's what they did. The end :)

Later my Gators 🐊

Spider-Man One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora