Seatbelts everyone!

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Notes: the classic field trip trope that no one can get enough of... yea :)


"Okay class! Tomorrow we have a field trip! To stark Tower! Make sure you have your permission slip turned in tomorrow morning!" Flash smiled devilishly, " To bad Parker isn't here to witness this! We'll all find out that he doesn't know Mr. Stark!" Some people murmured agreement and other just didn't really care about flash.

Peter was at home with Thor, Steve and of course Morgan. Peter stayed home when Tony and the team went on long missions, and of course Morgan was four so she didn't go to school anyway. Thor and Steve were babysitting (aka acting helpful, but really just not wanting to go on the mission bc there lazy).

Poor peter had no idea what was about to happen.

The next day flash stood outside the bus, " Yo Ned, MJ, Peters going to feel pretty bad for dragging you into his lies!" MJ just rolled her eyes. She didn't really care about Flash.

They arrived at the tower and everyone oohed and aahed. Except Ned and MJ who went there almost every Saturday. An intern named Clara came to there service, immediately handing out badges as she explained the levels.

One through ten obviously. A student raised there hand, " Who has a level ten pass?" Clara smiled, " Good question. Level ten access is only given to Pepper Stark, Tony Stark, the avengers and there kids- kid, there kid." She said fumbling at the mistake of saying kids.

Peter was Tony's adoptive son, and had been for three years since May died, but they kept it quiet and were planning to announce it soon, now that peter was settled in completely.

"Actually today, Mr. Stark has granted us a special pass to see the penthouse! Currently the avengers are gone on... work, so we won't be seeing them today." Of course Tony has set that up before he knew about the mission.


Peter was in sweatpants with no shirt. He was sitting on the couch in the common room eating fruit loops, waiting for Thor, Steve and Morgan to come into the room.

They were all working to dress Morgan. Yes it took two avengers to get a four year old dressed. For some reason peter didn't hear the class coming up the elevator until he heard the ding. He assumed it was happy.

But then Peters teacher saw him sitting on the couch shirtless, " Peter! This is unacceptable! You cannot sneak into stark tower just because you didn't turn in your permission slip!"

Peter jumped up, "What are you guys doing here?!" Peter said loudly, confused. He heard a few whispers, " Wow Peter's ripped..."

His teacher looked ready to scream when the intern interrupted, " Actually peter is able to be up here." The class looked in shock. Flash looked mad, " What's going on? Why are you eating fruit loops in Starks Penthouse?!?"

Peter looked at the class horrified, " What are you doing in my house?! ... Uncle thooor? Uncle Stevvve?"

Steve came running in, supermanning Morgan in his arms, followed by Thor, " We did it!" He was referring to getting Morgan dressed. She was wearing pink pants with hearts on the knees and an I heart iron man shirt on. Of course.

They all stopped, upon seeing the class. Morgan ran over to peter, " I wan' your fooot loops!" She tried grabbing the bowl but peter swept her up before she could get it, " Get your own fruit loops!" Peter laughed almost forgetting the class.

Thor and Steve looked at the class, who was looking at them in shock. Finally flash spoke up, " How do you know Peter? Why do you even bother with him- he's stupid."

Flash seemed to not comprehend what he just did. Steve and Thor's face turned dark. Morgan ran over to attack the kid jumping on him and punching him, " Don't say that about my brother!!!" She yelled as flash tried to get her off.

"Morgan, let him go." Peter said, and Morgan finally gave in and waddled back to Peter. Steve and Thor were still glaring at Flash. Thor spoke up, " Listen, you must be Flash. Peter is a brilliant kid and if you mess with him, one. More. Time. You'll have to deal with all the avengers, all of stark industries and all of my country, Asgard. Got that?"

Peter didn't know how scary Thor could be. Flash nodded nervously. After that was over Clara led the group back down stairs and waved good bye to peter. And that was the end of that.

Notes: So that's that... I kinda rushed it but idek. Yeah so yea.

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