Chapter 26

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JAY POV / " g I'm tired of yo shit" I said launching at king * in my mind* Is what really wanted to do. I really wanna just beat this nigga ass.

" jayda your not fat your pregnant " I said pulling her in a hug

" I know it's just these freaking hormones" she said hugging me back

" you know you never told me y that nigga back" I said to her

" jay I been meaning to tell you " she said nerves

" jayda come on now spit it out" I said rushing her

" we need to go upstairs and talk with king also" she said grabbing my hand and calling king name to our room

" listen that night I was on FaceTime with king he was telling me that it's some people after him and they think I'm his girlfriend and there trying to get to me" she said making my heart drop

" Jayda why the fuck you aint tell me earlier " I said getting mad

" because you were going through a lot and ion wanna add on to that" she said looking down

" look you pregnant with my seed you and my baby come before anything and anyone I don't give no fuck" I said to her and then looked at king " and why the fuck you here your just leading them right to her " I said getting at him

" chill dude they dumb as hell I got a rat in their gang so I know everything and they still think I'm out there" I just came out here to make sure she good and to keep her safe " he said looking at jayda

" man you ain't gotta do shit for her I'm her nigga I'm her baby daddy she don't need shit from you nigga" I said getting mad

" well if u need me jayda you know we're im at " he said smirking at her walking out the door

I was finna go beat that nigga ass till jayda grabbed my hand.

" he just messing with your head and your letting him get what he want your reaction " she said looking in my eyes

I knew she was right but that nigga just keep testing me and testing me and I can't control my anger.

I just held her and apologized and took her hand to go back downstairs to see everybody in the living room drinking. I got a cup and sat down next to jayda .

JAYDA POV / Everyone drinking and they probably going to expect me to. But I can't cause I'm pregnant. And I'm not ready to tell everyone just yet.

" here jayda " jasmine said trying to give me a drink

" no thank you" I said to her

" whatttt jayda not drinking what's going on" she said causing everyone to look over at me

" ha I'm just not in a drinking mood " I said looking at everyone and sky gave jasmine a look . I guess to tell her to drop it . Then Lisa looked at me and asked if I was ok . Yea I replied.

EJ POV / I sat down next to honesty with my cup.

" Ight y'all let's play truth or dare with shots" I said and everyone start yelling yeaaa

" ok so truth or dare Rico "

" dare" he said laughing

" I dare you to kiss jasmine like y'all finna go fuck" I said making everyone gasp

* he got up and went to jasmine and grabbed her my her throat and kissed her like there was no tomorrow tongue kissing each other it was getting real by each minute "

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