Chapter 22: Red Bow

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Natsuki's POV

I opened the door to my house and got in, not bothering to shut the door close since Yuri's waiting inside the car. This isn't fair, Yukiho didn't need to wear uniform, oh yeah she's a new student duh. After changing into my school uniform, I grab my bag then rushed out of the house, after locking the door behind me I ran towards Yuri's car then got in.

"Ugh, we're gonna be late. This is your fault Natsuki", I raised a brow at Yuri's mini version who's sitting at the back. She's wearing a black shirt that says 'Back off', skinny jeans and a pair of tennis shoes, she looked good, probably because she looks exactly like Yuri. These two could be mistaken as sisters.

"My fault? Excuse me but your the one who woke up late", I said. Which is true, Yuri had to literally kick her ass and push her off the bed just for her to wake up, her face was epic though, I should've taken a picture.

She was about to say something when Yuri said, "You shouldn't have stayed up late last night, so the blame's all on You", I smirked.

Her cousin groaned in annoyance, "This is so unfair! Just wait till I find someone who can team up with me, that way we're all even!", she then huffed in anger.

I laughed and Yuri just shook her head, we don't need to ride the car just to get to school really, it's just a 5 minute walk from Yuri's house- mansion I mean. But I have to go back home to fetch my stuff and wear uniform. Her parents however, decided to explore the city, or date is what I call it.

They're so sweet, Yuri's really lucky to have a family like this.

After parking the car, the three of us got out then went to get Yukiho's schedule. I furrowed my eyebrows when I noticed that the younger girl is taller than me, seriously? What's with the Watsons and their height? I think Yukiho has the same height as Monika's.

"Shall we walk you to your classroom Yuki?", Yuri asked. Her cousin glared at her, "Do not call me that! And no, I'm capable of taking care of myself thank you very much", I laughed when she said that.

She walked away, leaving us standing by the lockers. "I like your cousin", I said. When I didn't hear a response I looked up at Yuri, she looked pissed.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?", I asked.

"Nothing", she grumbled, then started to walk away as well. I chased after her then stayed by her side, what the hell's going on with her?

"Don't you act like that in front of me, and tell me what's wrong!", she stopped then faced me. I looked up then glared at her, wait a minute..

I placed my hand on my hips then smirked at her, she just stared at me, confused. "What's with that face-", I cut her off.

"Jealous?", I asked teasingly. It's her turn to glare at me, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know what I mean, but seriously, first was Monika, then your mom, and then your cousin, who's next? Your dog?", I started to laugh.

I heard her grunt a few words before saying, "I don't have a dog", she said lowly.

Before I could tease her even more, a familiar girl came then started to cling onto her shoulder. My blood boils at the sight of the person, "Hey Yuri!", the black headed bitch says.
Her smile falls when she saw me, "Hey you, didn't catch your name", she said sarcastically.

I took a few, deep breaths before saying, "It's Natsuki, and I assume your Mars?", I could literally send you back to where you came from lady! On the red planet!

"Ah, so you know my name? Did you tell her?", she looked up at Yuri then once again smiled at her, I could puke.
"Your so thoughtful!", then all of a sudden she planted a kiss on her cheek.

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