Chapter 34: Friends

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There comes a time when everything stays the same, it's warm, the weather is fine, everything is perfect. Waking up the next day is a pain, staying up all night is a bad idea considering I have to go to school the next day, well, I'm a freshmen now. Yey, I can't wait. Turning off the annoying alarm clock, I got up and my foot came in contact with the ground, but the strange thing is, I can't feel anything. But I have no time for that, I still need to get ready for school and there's no time to waste, I heard the teachers are strict and hates tardy students. Can't blame them, it's a private school and they need to keep a good image.

I stood using front of the gigantic school in front me, Kingdom high, one of the most popular private schools in the country. I gripped my bag tightly as I entered the building, students already filled the halls, chattering and pacing around. It took me a while to find my own though, considering how crowded this hall is. Typical highschool. My first class is French but I have no idea where it is, I should've asked for help but I know how awkward I am dealing with other people, I don't want them to make fun of me, it's my first day for God's sake.

The bell rang and everyone started to get to they're classes, so I head out as well. A couple of minutes passed by and I'm the only one left in the hall, everybody is already in they're perspective classroom. I leaned onto the nearby locker, I need to get my hopes up, I know I'll be in big trouble but I have a valid reason, then again the teacher will just ask me why I didn't ask for someone's assistance, they'll make fun of me for sure.

"Hey", I heard a melodic voice. I turned my head up to see a girl, about my height and has short blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She's gorgeous, I thought. She giggled then gave me a smile, her face turning a shade of red. "Why thank you"

My face heats up upon realizing when I said my thoughts out loud, great, I humiliated myself and she probably thinks that I'm some sort of creep. I brought my hand up then started to rub my temple, I'm not aware of my actions sometimes and I hate myself for that. "Hey, are you alright?", I heard her ask with those sweet and gentle voice of hers. Why is she so beautiful? And most of all, kind?

She giggled yet again, "Quite the charmer are we?", I can hear the teasing in her tone. Oh god I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole, I've said enough already. Then I felt her hand on my arm, forcing me to move it away from my face. With this, I get to have a perfect view of her gorgeous features. She has long eyelashes and perfectly straight nose, my eyes went down to her lips, I felt my knees shaking and the thoughts in my head are not helping. Oh god control yourself, you wouldn't want to cause a scene here. But just look at beautiful, so

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips, my eyes widen so I quickly backed away from her. She stood there, even more shock that I am. Great, just great! "I-I'm s-so sorry, I-I didn't m-mean to-", I stared at her confused when she started to laugh. What?

Then she faced me, a smile on her lips. She took a strand of her hair then moved it at the back of her ear. This girl is cute, and confused me most of all. Is she mad? "One, your a charming person and I thank you for that. Two, I'm quite confused as well. Three, I'm not mad, just a bit shock that's all", she laughed again.

Oh god, I scratched the back of my head, not sure what to do at the moment. She stopped after a while, then stared at me with those sweet, adorable eyes, her smile never leaving her face. I feel guilty for doing such action, "I-I'm really sorry, I did something against your will and without your consent. So I'll accept whatever punishment you wish me to do", I lowered my head then stared at the floor, afraid to meet her gaze.

But she took a hold of my chin then moved my head up, making me look at her angelic face again. "You'll do anything I'll say huh?", she asked, grinning at me and looking at me intently. I gulped, preparing myself for the worst. I nodded, then she made a clicking noise with her tongue. I shut my eyes closed, waiting for what horrible things she's gonna made me do.

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