Chapter 24: Too Late

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Monika's POV

I placed my hand on my forehead, and  prayed that the pain would soon subside. I shouldn't have drank that alcohol my father brought, now look where that lead me. I just want to get this stupid schedule done so I can show it to the council, they like to keep things updated. Well they can't shut my club down now, so that's  good.

And I have to use this pen that's about to ran out of ink, I just bought it this morning! Jeez I got fooled. I lost my favorite pen and I must've dropped it somewhere, my mom gave me that and it was my partner through everyday life! Not really, just for anything that requires writing.

I still felt bad that I lost it, I just wanna go home and get some sleep.

Speaking of home, I wonder how Sayori's bow got into my house? I blushed at the thought, I had a dream last night where I'm in the living room and danced around with a disco ball on top of the ceiling. Then Sayori suddenly appeared out of nowhere and I started to ramble in front of her, her face is hilarious though. Then I passed out when I felt something soft behind my back. Maybe it wasn't a dream?

I placed the pen down then took something from my pocket, I scanned the room to know if anyone's around. All I see is Natsuki and Yuri talking by the doorway, why aren't they leaving yet?

I stared at the red bow I was holding down on my lap, I was about to give this to Sayori earlier but I didn't have the courage to do so. What are you gonna do then? Keep it with you for all eternity and stare at it like a coward?

I knew I have to return this, but not now, right time comes in the right place.

I can't understand myself this passed few days. I'm doing something out of character and I sometimes scare myself. It was the day of the festival...


I walked away from Yuri and Natsuki, wiping the tears away from my eyes I started to walk to wherever my feet wanted me to go. I honestly don't care right now, I can't understand these stupid feelings inside of me. Was it because I got rejected? That I hurt someone? That I hurt Sayori?

I felt a heavy weight on my chest, this has something to do with Sayori. Maybe, I still feel guilty? I don't want our relationship to be awkward, I want it back to the way it is. I don't want her to be sad, I don't want to hurt her feelings, I want that happy, bubbly, and cheerful Sayori who's always by my side. That Sayori who used to be my best friend, but now, who confessed that she has feelings for me and trying to move on.

I balled up my fist, that blonde guy who's always by her side. I hate him, I don't know why but there's just this feeling inside of me telling me that I should keep Sayori away from him. See what I mean here? Why am I thinking like this? I don't understand. I should be proud that Sayori will be happy with that guy and forget her feelings towards me.

That doesn't sound right.

Geez I wanted to hit that volleyball again. Then I saw a-, no, two familiar figures standing under a huge oak tree. When I recognized who they were, my feet started to drag me close to where they are and hid behind a tall bush. Sayori and Carl are laughing and talking and seems to be having a really, really great time. This blonde is annoying.

"Since you didn't want to come and celebrate the victory party with me and my friends, how about we go to the park instead?", the blonde asked.
Is he asking her out on a date? No Sayori, please don't-

"Sure I guess", Sayori simply said. I wanted to slap her on the ass for that.
And here's the weird thought again, what is wrong with me? Do you know what's wrong with me dear reader? I can see you rolling your eyes right now, and I don't blame you for that.

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