Chapter 55: Damaged

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Third Person's POV

"She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not-"

"What are you doing?", Natsuki can only laugh at her girl's strange tactics. However this only caused a playful smirk to form Yuri's lips, she carefully wrapped her arms around the pinkette's waist and held her close. Natsuki was so used to her affectionate behavior that she ended up doing the habit of hugging her back every time she does things like this. She's getting soft as far as she can tell, and she still wonders whether it's a good thing or not. Even though she knew deep down that she has nothing to worry about anyway.

"Say Natsuki, what do you plan on doing in the future? Collage plans I mean", the taller girl said as she began to run her fingers through the shorter girl's pink hair. The petite girl thought for a moment before coming up with a response, "Probably find a job and get a place of my own, n-not that I don't want to be with you or anything! Well it's gonna be a problem because..hell I guess Anika will have to stay with me and she can be with you on the weekends-"

"How about we purchase a place of our own together? That way Anika can stay with us all the time, and I'm sure things will work out on it's own for the better", the pinkette sometimes underestimated how creative yet pretty persuasive the woman can be. She carefully looked up, meeting the other girl's luminous eyes. "So you're willing to give up the luxurious life, work your ass off and earn money the hard way? Good luck Yuri", she chuckled.

She remembered that time during their trip to the island- inside the van where Yuri told her that her parents plans to transfer their daughter to a far much more greater University elsewhere for business related reasons. The pinkette understands since Yuri's the heir- and the only child of the wealthy couple. She can't help but let those negative thoughts eat their way through everytime she recalls that memory. Though she already knew that she has to understand and be mature about it. And besides Yuri's parents only wanted what's best for their daughter, she has to accept it. And Natsuki trusts her wholeheartedly anyway.

"Actually, I've spoken to my parents, regarding my decisions in life and whatnot. And they respect it, they promised to support me. And for that I'm forever grateful", Natsuki can see the happiness lingering in those purple orbs as the taller girl said those words. But what she said next made the pinkette's heart race at a familiar fluttering state.

"And all I ever want is to be with you. I don't care if I loose all the riches in the world as long as you're with me Natsuki, us and little Annie, she's our responsibility-", the taller girl realized how awfully cheesy that sounds. She knew she said far much more cheesier words than that but still. Though it's not the end of the world, she's just being true.

The taller girl was a little taken back when Natsuki hugged her tight, she did not expect that. The pinkette has this huge grin on her face, she's overwhelmed at the fact that Yuri is willing to give up anything for her. It really made her happy, but at the same time, scared...

Scared? Why would she be scared? Oh she knew exactly why.

She's scared that if something..bad might happen to her....if something WILL happen to her, then it will surely hurt the other girl deeply. Natsuki knew that she doesn't fear death itself but she's scared for Yuri because she knew entirely well how much the girl cares so much about her. And she doesn't want to cause her pain by all means. She took a deep breath, "Yuri, can I ask you something?"

The two broke the embrace, "Ask away love" The pinkette was a little flustered because of that but she managed to get a hold of herself. "Well, I kinda..wanna..."

The taller girl raised a brow, now she really got her attention. She patiently waited for the pinkette to response, but she's too busy chewing on her bottom lip to even look at her directly. "Natsuki?"

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