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The rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke seemed unending and Sakura feared the worst would come because of it. At first, their friendly competition was only about the smallest of things, meagre arguments, but as the years progressed, they got progressively more serious as well. Now with Sasuke trying to become Hokage as well, chaos had ensued. You couldn't even leave the duo alone together in fear one of them would end up killing the other. It was a fear nobody should ever have to experience. It was on March the 27th that their fights actually became lethal though.

Sakura couldn't help the skip in her step as she walked down the streets of Konoha. Tomorrow was to be her 18th birthday. That birthday was one of little importance to most shinobi, just another day you were lucky to be alive, but for somebody raised by civilians, it meant everything. Unbeknownst to her, the rest of Konoha 11, as well as Sasuke himself, had chipped into making tomorrow the best day of her life. They knew how important it was to her and even if they were not raised under the same beliefs, they wanted their pink-haired friend to feel happy. For the past few years now, Sakura had saved each of their lives at least 10 times each and they wanted to repay their debt. So the group had booked Sakura's favourite restaurant and invited their Suna friends as well as the Haruno family along to the party. They would later have an after-party with just Sakura and her friends where they'd actually do more party things.

Or at least, that was the plan until everything went downhill that afternoon.

Sakura had just left the hospital, her chakra reserves were below half after a tiring surgery that had saved the life of one of the shinobi with a high-level of authority. She'd been stuck in the surgery theatre for well over 3 hours and to make it more stressful, she had some students shadowing her. It was the time of year when the medical school students came to the hospital to shadow the medics that worked there and somebody thought it was a good idea for them to watch her. She was going to have a good talking to whoever did that later, but for now, she just wanted to destress. Tomorrow was her birthday for crying out loud and she wanted to have some fun!

Within 100 metres of her house, Sakura began to hear shouts of terror. She turned to see civilians fleeing from the mass graveyard of the fourth shinobi war. Confused, Sakura found herself walking over, her pace picking up as the shrieks of terror filled her ears. She struggled to push her way through the swarms of civilians, the pain of one shoving too hard on her right shoulder caused her to almost scream in pain as she felt it shift into an unnatural position. Shaking her head, she sent a wave of numbing chakra to her shoulder before continuing to walk against the wave of people.

Her ears were filled with the sound of chirping birds when she arrived at the cause of the civilian's fear. Her emerald eyes widening in shock at the sight of her two friends fighting. She'd hoped they'd stopped this but clearly not. She felt as a wave of adrenaline washed over her as she rushed forwards. She blanked out for a brief 5 seconds, but that was all it took. When she came back in control of her body, she found herself lying on the floor in extreme pain. She couldn't even move her head properly but if she could, she'd probably seen her medical chakra trying to knit her body back together.

Her two friends were knelt beside her, tears on their cheeks as they watched their Sakura take in sharp and infrequent breaths. Neither of them were medics but they could tell this was not good. They wanted to help her so badly, but they'd no idea what to do. They'd both always been fighting recklessly, not a care in the world if somebody external to the fight would get hurt, or worse, killed. And now Sakura Haruno was having to pay the price for their foolish ignorance.

When Kakashi returned from his mission later that afternoon, he was looking forward to relaxing before he got dragged out to Sakura's party the next day. He couldn't help but smile to himself, his cute little genins were all grown up now. He unlocked his front door to find his many ninja-hounds pile onto him, frantically licking his face, tails wagging. Behind them, he spotted the small puppy. He had begun to refer to the small creature as Ko in his head, but he knew Sakura would take great joy in naming the puppy, after all, it wasn't his place to name the dog he was gifting her.

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