Chapter 21

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When everyone was finally back on land, hair soaking wet and all wrapped up in towels, it was time to hear the results. The many people who surrounded them chanting Krum's name as the golden trio congratulated Harry on his success. Even Sakura could resist giving him a charming smile in thanks for saving Fleur's younger sister. To have sent her down there was preposterous, she wasn't even old enough to compete! By the looks of it she was nowhere near competing age either!

Despite her disapproval, she knew that there was no way to change what happened now. Clearly, Fleur truly cherished the little girl, else they would have not have chosen her and for that reason, she forgave them. To see sibling relationships so powerful always filled her with happiness. She'd been an only child after all, never experiencing what it was like to have a brother nor a sister. Of course, if she did have one, she'd probably have a very different opinion on it, most likely wishing she was an only child. Either way, it's not like she got to choose that sort of thing.

Drawing his wand up to his throat, Dumbledore began to speak, "Attention! The winner is Mr. Diggory." the Hufflepuff boy was very happy, celebrating with his friends as the photographer took his photo, jacket in the background, "Who showed innate command of the bubble-head charm. However, seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well, we've agreed to award him... second place for outstanding moral fibre!" Harry looked like he'd gone into shock at the sound of him placing well. He was mute as his friends and those who surrounded him congratulated him on his success. Despite being the youngest champion, he did not let it hinder him in any way, shape or form. 

After the contest was over, Sakura began to seek Draco Malfoy out. Her fern green eyes seeking out that familiar platinum blond hair that was styled in yet another strange styling. The girl finding the blond wrapped up in layers of coats and a scarf, his expression in a scowl, clearly displeased with the results. Skipping up to the boy, she ignored her slightly damp hair and drying clothes, Dumbledore had leant her a thick towel so the cold didn't really bother her all that much now. "Hey Draco~!" she called out in a sing-song tone as she gave the blond boy a close-eye smile. The boy turned and nodded his head in acknowledgement, his two friends turning in surprise to see her. Despite her attending the ball with him, they didn't really realise they knew each other all that well. Most of the dance partners had just been temporary after all, not many were actually close to each other. 

"Sorry I couldn't hang out with you during the competition, as you can probably guess, I was unconscious at the bottom of the lake. It was awfully boring but oh well. I would have been stuck on medical duty anyway so it doesn't really matter-" the girl cut herself off, frowning at the fact the boy had since zoned out on her pointless small talk. "Anyway, I'm going to catch up with the others. See if they need any help." the girl muttered under her breath, slightly hurt by Draco's lack of enthusiasm. But what did she expect, he was always like this with his friends. Why should she expect any different treatment?

Draco turned to look at the disheartened girl as she began to walk away. He frowned as he noticed she was pointing in the direction of Potter and his friends. Did she really place him lower than them? Stepping towards the girl, his heavy boots cracking the sticks on the ground. His audible footsteps a great contrast to Sakura's silent ones. 

Pulling his gloved hands out his pockets, he wrapped them around the departing girl. "Don't go to those losers." he said, a light pink on his cheeks as he frowned at the way he sounded. It worked much better in his head. But Sakura didn't seem to care all that much, grin on her face, she twisted in his arms as she spoke, "What are we waiting for then? It's quite chilly!" Draco scowled at the girl, she'd played him! Either way, he retracted his hands only to find them missing the sudden lack of warm of her body. Glaring at his hands, he shoved one in his pocket, the other pushing her forwards, lingering slightly on her back as he encouraged her hill and towards Crabbe and Goyle. The two boys having waited for Draco to catch up to them, emotionless expressions on their faces as they shared a look. As much as Draco tried to deny it, there was reason other than his father's orders as to why he hung out with the girl.

The walk back to the castle was one they made in a comfortable silence. Sakura spending most of it breathing warm air into her hands before being offered one of Draco's many coats in exchange for the damp towel. Grinning at the boy, she took the item of clothing which completely swamped her before following after the blond. The long sleeves protecting her bare hands from the icy breeze which lifted her hair to allow it to hit the back of her neck. Scowling at the bad weather, she lifted the collar up to help protect her a little more. 

The few student who saw snickered at the sight in front of them, the Malfoy heir turning soft for the terrifying teaching assistant. Not that they'd ever call them out on it. Draco's family could ruin their lives in the same time it would take Sakura to punch their lights out. So they simply watching the group as they returned to the castle, exhaustion beginning to get the better of them.

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