Chapter 43

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Draco's grey eyes watched his pink-haired friend closely. As much as he wanted to talk to her, for their amiable conversations to fight off the cold loneliness that dominated his life now, he knew better than to get her further involved in his problems.

He'd seen the wounded bodies and the blood they left behind on their furniture. He could only imagine what horrors Sakura had had to experience since he made her join their side of the war. 

He hated himself for it, why was he so weak as to get her involved. That warm smile that used to be permanent on her face, had begun to become but a memory on most days.

Of course, since returning to Hogwarts, it had begun its return gradually, but he still felt guilty for destroying it beforehand. Maybe they were right, she was better off without him in her life, so he would stay away.

Staying away from somebody he was as close to as Sakura was no easy task. Walking out of the Great Hall without greeting her physically stung the first few times. But the pain had long since numbed, leaving only a dull throb every time.

The disappointment in her green eyes every time she failed to find him made him want to shout out her name. To cheer her up, but he forced himself onwards, he must stay away from her, no matter how hard it is on him.

But the task of staying away was truly put to the test she arrived late to breakfast. Her lateness was already a sign of something being wrong. She was never late, she prided herself in being early all the time. So where was she?

His question was answered not a moment later when the doors swung open to allow a blood-soaked Sakura to scurry into the almost empty hall. The normal challenge of weaving amongst standing students and benches long since gone.

A decent amount of students had gone home for the holidays, but he had no desire to return to the cold manor this year. All that awaited him was the pressure of his parents to complete his task, something he could do without.

But there was something about the defeated look in his eye that made him recoil into himself. His pale hands clenching tightly around his cloak, drawing the dark fabric closer together in an attempt to distract himself, to stop himself racing over there to help her.

With a reluctant sigh, he heaved himself from where he sat previously. His companions shooting him confused glances as he strode out of the hall. 

But he knew his limitations, he would not be able to remain here, unable to help the clearly sick Sakura. So he would have to leave now, before he couldn't.

The girl had practically fallen into her chair beside Snape, the greasy-haired man's eyebrows drawing together in what appeared to be worry for the girl. Of course, the hint of emotion disappeared as quickly as it came, the man was known for being cold after all.

Sakura groaned quietly to herself as she rested her pounding forehead against her crossed arms. The light emitted from the candle, whilst not bright to most, seemed to be burning the back of her eyes and frying her nerves. The pain only causing her headache to amplify itself.

"Are you alright Sakura?" Snape finally asked, his voice gravelly as he spoke, unused to such gentle use. "sshh" the pink-haired girl was quick to hush the older man, the sound making her wince.

"My head is killing me," she whispered, the gentle rush of warm air bouncing off her forehead as she spoke into the mahogany table.

Snape only nodded his head, "I have a headache draught that may help you, but it is back in my classroom. Do you reckon you can hold on whilst I get it?" he asked the girl, his own voice barely audible as he attempted to communicate with the clearly unwell female beside him.

"Mhm" she hummed quietly, fingers shifting to rub her temples gently in order to soothe her shrieking head. The sound of students chatting reverberating around her skull and tearing it open. 

As much as she craved sending healing chakra into her mind and soothing herself -only for a moment of relief- that was dangerous. 

Not only was the cause chakra loss and so using more would only worsen it, but with her headache as distracting as it was, and the brain is so complex, she may only make it worse for herself. So she would have to wait and use Snape's potion instead.

What felt like an eternity later, she felt a hand gently tapping her on the back. The action ripping her out of her self-pity and into the painful present. Turning slightly, ignoring the biting pain at the bright light and unwelcome movement, she took notice of the vial being offered to her.

"Have something to eat with it." was all she was told as she uncorked the bottle, swallowing the cloudy gold liquid as though it was her only source of life. After the fluid stopped, she directed her attention to the spinning table of food.

Opting to go for the golden brown toast instead of anything too fancy, she grabbed a pair of triangles. Reluctantly opening her mouth, she forced down a mouthful of unbuttered bread -for she'd been too lazy to ask for the dairy product.

Fighting back a wince at the nauseousness that ensued swallowing the food, she took another bite. Forcing the bland meal down, she closed her eyes once more, her spinning surroundings disappearing in an instant.

It took seconds before the potion to take action. The relief of the headache going something she thought she may never experience. Sighing in poorly hidden joy, she leaned back in her chair, green eyes opening once more to take in the jovial student body before her.

Turning to the table once more, she quickly began piling food onto her plate. She wasn't sure how long the potion would last, but she'd take advantage of it while she could. 

She needed to eat to build up energy to heal, and she could only do that when she was not about to expel it immediately. Which meant she had to do it now, while the world was back to normal, back to a stand still.

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