Chapter 8

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It was a few weeks into the first term and Sakura found herself at the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. In all honesty, she might have found the game a bit more interesting if she wasn't currently stuck on the medical bench on the ground. She was there to treat minor wounds and send any particularly difficult injuries to Madame Pomfrey to treat. She almost screamed as a bludger shattered the front of Oliver Wood's broom causing him to plummet to the ground. Acting immediately, the girl formed quick hand signs causing a square of air to cushion the boy's fall. Rapidly switching position with some of the pieces of grass, the girl found herself kneeling over the boy who'd since been lowered to the floor. Hands flashing green, she instantly checked for any wounds other than the few splinters the boy received. Sighing in relief, she flared her chakra to begin to remove the splinters, whilst he had also dislocated his ankle, it was nothing she couldn't treat. The chakra scalpel was laced with some fire chakra allowing her to carefully produce a steady laser-like beam towards the splinters. Instantly burning them in order to cause no more damage to the boy. It was a Jutsu she'd created herself over the summer holidays and she was very thankful she'd perfected it. She sent a shock of numbing chakra to the boy's ankle before increasing the chakra in her arms, before hefting the boy over her shoulder, with one hand, the other wrapping carefully around the two main pieces of broom, they could clean up the splinters later. She then stood up and began to walk carefully across the pitch and towards her bench where she lay the injured boy down.

Unbeknownst to her, a pair of grey eyes watched her every movement. The man who owned them was none other than Lucius Malfoy. If he was able to bring this girl to his master, maybe he would be able to gain his favour. A smirk made its way onto his face as he began to plot.

She wasn't needed again until about 5 minutes later when Malfoy was debroomed as well. The boy had come flying up and out of the ditch surrounding the pitch and landed quite painfully on the ground. It had come as quite a shock to the boy when the girl had appeared next to him. A gentle smile on her face as she offered him a hand up, sending medical chakra into his body as she did. Her other hand then glowed green as she worked on reducing the slight swelling in his brain, in doing so, reducing the chances of a severe concussion. She then supported the boy towards her medical bench, right arm supporting the blonde as her left hand carried his sable broomstick. She quickly settled him down next to the unconscious Oliver Wood. "Just wait a moment while I finish with Mr Wood, then I'll help you." Draco was about to make a snarky comment, but for some reason, he found himself simply nodding his head. She gave him a gentle smile before turning back to Oliver. The girl then found herself busing away with the two patients.

Sakura frowned as she watched Harry crash out of the air, snitch in hand. "If you'll just excuse me for a moment, I fear he might be quite badly injured." Sakura bowed to the two people, Oliver now awake and sat up. She then raced over to the boy who was already being attended to by the fool known as Lockhart. "I think my arm's broken." the sound of Harry's voice carried across the pitch and into Sakura's sensitive ears causing her to walk a little faster. She would have preferred to teleport, but with her already low reserves which were going to drop even more when she healed Harry, she feared it might not be a good idea. "Not to worry Harry, I will fix that arm of yours straight away." Sakura instantly tensed up, if Lockhart got involved, Harry's recovery would definitely be prolonged. "No. Not you." Sakura smiled at Harry as she watched his logical decision to avoid Lockhart's help.

"Boy, doesn't know what he's saying. Now, this --" the man hesitated as he pushed Harry's sleeve back, Harry wincing in the process. "Won't hurt a bit. Bracium immendo." the man's wand glowed blue as Harry's arm suddenly went limp. "Ah, yes, well that can sometimes happen, but, uh, the point is, uh, you can no longer feel any pain and it clearly the bones are not broken." Hagrid looked distastefully at the man before declaring loudly, "Broken? There's no bones left." his eyes returned to Harry's arm which was now limply flopping around in Lockhart's hand.

It was at that point when Sakura finally arrived at the group, "Gilderoy! You are a dead man." her voice was harsh and full of anger as the man in question turned towards her. Wincing at the sight of the pink-haired menace, he quickly skittered back from the boy who lived. Eyes turned to Sakura who looked absolutely terrifying, her right hand glowed blue before coming into contact with the blonde man. Screams of surprise surrounded the pink-haired female as Gilderoy was sent flying all the way back to her medical bench on the other side of the pitch. The two boys are at the bench looking at the unconscious blonde man in terror. "Now, Harry, this is going to be much harder, but just stay still, okay?" she watched as the boy nodded his head, "Please stand back everyone, I need some space please." people scampered away, desperate not to be joining Lockhart. Sakura then flared her chakra, green lights around her hand as she began to tamper as best she could with Lockhart's spell. She sighed as she watched Harry begin to feel pain once more, her chakra encouraging the increased rate of growth of his bones. She then numbed the boy's arm before pushing it back into its correct positioning and wrapping it with bandages, "I've learnt that this sort of this is best healed naturally. Of course, I'd highly recommend Madame Pomfrey's assistance in making sure it heals correctly. Hermione, Ron, if you don't mind taking him to the hospital wing, that would be great, now, I have some other patients to bring up there and Lockhart to deal with." she bowed to the group before performing the body replacement Jutsu to appear by the medical bench.

She approached the unconscious form of Gilderoy, a scowl on her face before sending a shock of chakra through his head to wake him up. Grabbing the man by the collar, she brought his face down to eye level, "Now, you listen here Blondie. If I see you meddling with patients again, I swear on my honour, I will end you, understood?" she all but growled at the man, an intimidating glare on her face as she spoke. She then dropped the professor, turning to the two shaking boys, "Now, let us head to the infirmary." the two boys looked at each other, their house hatred forgotten in fear of the female in front of them. Nodding their heads, the two quickly stood up, following after Sakura as she lead them into the school.

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