Chapter 9

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To say Sakura was upset about having to supervise Lockhart's club was the understatement of a lifetime. When she walked into the great hall, it took a lot of effort on her part, not to walk straight back out again. The man, in contrary to his many incredible tales, was a complete loser in Sakura's eyes. He caused disaster everywhere he went, and that was exactly the reason she felt obliged to remain in his lesson. For she feared the worst for the poor students who had to suffer under his not-so-watchful eye.

She watched anyway as Lockhart gathered his students around his large platform, talking loudly, he spoke, "Gather round! Gather round. Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent. In light of the dark events in recent weeks, Professor Dumbledor has granted me permission to start this little Dueling club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works." He then took off his cloak throwing it into the crowd of very happy females who squabble and fought over how would get to keep it. "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Heads turned to look at said man, who looked ever so miserable to be doing so. "He has sportingly agreed to help with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions master when I'm through with him." Sakura smirked cruelly to herself from her seat on the end of the stage before declaring, "Whether your still here on not is a different question though, isn't it sir. Never fear." She gave him an almost innocent smile as he gave her a more hesitant one in response before turning back to the crowd, "We will now begin."

When the duel began, Sakura went instantly from mischievous and almost day-dreamy, to serious and alert in a matter of seconds. The switch almost making those who watched queasy from the sudden change. Sakura watched in amusement as Snape instantly began to criticize the man, his distaste almost as strong as that of Sakura. But it was when the man called upon students did she actually begin to get worried. With Lockhart in charge, regardless of Snape's presences, Sakura couldn't help but feel worried about what was to come.

The appearance of the snake, although brief, did worry Sakura greatly, however, it also gave her a sense of grievance. Whilst Sasuke may have been one of the ones to kill her, she couldn't help but miss her childhood friend and the sight of the snake reminded her greatly of the boy.

When everything had calmed down, Sakura wandered on stage and began to have a look at the two, whilst they had no external injuries, it was her job to check for the unknown.

It wasn't until a few months later that the next problem ensued. She had just been in the bathroom, she'd taken a liking towards Myrtle, when she wasn't crying, she was quite the agreeable girl. But then Harry, Ron and Lockhart arrived. She was planning to ignore them, wait for them to go away, but when she heard the sound of something heavy moving, she unlocked the door. "Where are you going?" the boys and Lockhart looked towards her in shock, "Nowhere." Sakura scoffed at the blatant lie, "Well then, I suppose you have no business being here in the girls' bathroom then, hm?" Lockhart was quick to agree, "Yes, yes, let's go." But Harry was much slower, "No. Fine, you've got us, we're going into the Chamber of Secrets. I guess you can come, you might come in helpful, but you cannot tell anyone." Sakura simply nodded, gliding silently over to the boys and following them down the chute.

Sakura almost giggled at the sight of Lockhart fainting only to sigh in annoyance when he was almost instantaneously revived, "The adventure ends here. But don't fret, the world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you three, tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So, you first Mr Potter, say goodbye to your memories." the boys looked nervously at each other, Sakura, on the other hand, was rather amused by the entire situation, trusting on inner Sakura to protect her mind from the fool. "Obliviate!" the wand glowed blue, and the spell would have worked, if he were not using Ron's broken wand. Instead, the man himself was hit by the spell, rocketing backwards and hitting the wall behind him. The sheer force causing the walls around them to shake in discontent before collapsing and isolating Harry from the rest.

While Ron called out for Harry, Sakura stared amused at the memory-less Lockhart, "Hello" the man spoke as he leant on one arm, looking up at Sakura, "Who are you?" Sakura snickered as Ron felt the need to introduce himself, "Really?" the man said in a jovial tone, "And who am I?" While Ron called out to Harry, "Lockhart's memory charm backfired. He hasn't a clue who he is." Sakura took a great amount of pleasure in creating a new name for the man. "Oroka. Oroka Lockhart" Ron turned to look at the girl in confusion, a smile on her face as she walked past him, "It means stupid" she muttered into his ear as she passed, patting him on the shoulder. The boy looked at the content man, he couldn't help but agree with the new name Sakura had given him, but at the same time, he felt bad that the man wasn't going to know his real name. Just as the boy opened his mouth to correct her, he heard Sakura call out, "Don't even think about it Ronald." the boy stiffened before turning back to the wall in silence. Harry long since gone and the ginger rather bored if he were to be honest. The boy then took a seat next to the standing female, they would just have to wait out the return of Harry Potter.

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