Chapter 45

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Eyes all turned to look at the frantic girl as she grabbed one of the bowls from the table beside her. The liquid sloshing in it as she hurried over to the work desk near the entrance of the hospital ward.

Hands shaking as she fumbled around, grabbing various pieces of equipment from the tall shelves. The moment she'd gotten it all, she rushed to her room, hands searching blindly in the mess for blank parchment and a quill.

The moment she'd gotten it, she hurried back to the desk. Pushing the other things to the side as she slammed the paper down, putting stones on the four corners to pin it down as best she could.

Dipping her quill into the ink before carefully drawing out the seal. She could picture what it should look like perfectly in her mind, now it was only a matter of recreating that image. The idea was it would help sterilise things and help her get a better idea of what the poison was.

The moment she was sure it was right, she pushed chakra into it, the black ink glowing brightly before the light dimmed. Carefully removing the poison from the solution, dropping the vile thing onto the seal.

The instant it touched the parchment, the poison quite literally hissed. Small plumes of smoke building around it as it fizzed, the toxin bubbling before everything went still. Turning to look at the shelves, she began running the symptoms through her mind.

Frothing at the mouth
Loss of consciousness

She thought for a minute, green eyes searching for something even they knew not yet of. Then her mind reminded her of something Harry had mentioned as she passed. "Bezoar." Reaching for the antidote Harry had used, she began to study the two.

As Sakura worked, the professors began to discuss what they should do about the situation. Dumbledore telling everyone to leave shortly after Lavender had stormed out. Something about her beloved "Won-won" being seduced by Hermione.


But nothing was quite as terrifying as the day Snape came rushing into the medical ward with an unconscious Draco Malfoy. She'd just been getting ready for her shift to end when the teacher had arrived with the boy. His shirt, normally a pristine white colour, crumpled and stained red with his blood.

"He's mostly healed, I treated the wounds themselves on the scene. But he was unconscious on the flooded floor of the bathroom for who knows how long. So I'm just worried about a potential infection, do you mind checking him over for me?"

Sakura hesitantly turned from Draco to look up at Snape. "Of course I will. Go put him down for me please." The emotionless man simply nodded, despite his attempt to look relaxed, his dark eyes betrayed his genuine fear for the boy's life as he moved to place him on the white hospital bed.

"Was he hit with a curse?" Sakura asked nervously as she moved around his body, chakra reaching out as it searched for any problems. "I believe so." the man responded, his voice clipped and firm, leaving no room for arguments or questions.

"By the looks of things, he is going to be just fine as is. It is highly unlikely he will develop anything bad, and anything that was there I've treated. But he lost quite a bit of blood, so its best he rests for a while, I will get some of the blood-regeneration potion we have, I'll be right back."

White medical robes rising as she turned quickly on her heal. The sleeves of the cloak stained slightly from previous treatments. The ability to clean immediately after surgery was a luxury the students here seemed desperate for her not to have. Ideally, her personal hygiene would be better, but with back to back treatments, she could only do so much.

Slim fingers wrapped themselves around the neck of one of the five deep red bottles they had in stock. Much like how the bone re-growth bottle had a skeleton wrapped around its nozzle, this one's lid was an enlarged droplet of blood.

Grabbing a goblet from the side as she walked past is, she poured a serving of fluid into the glass. The thick red sludge one that looked incredible unappetising, and tasted worst than it looked. But she readied the serving anyway, placing the goblet by his bedside, easily within arms reach from where he lay.

"Make sure he drinks that, alright, it will not only speed up his healing but make sure he doesn't get too dizzy from blood loss. Then give him some water after as well, Madame Pomphrey will be returning any minute to take over from my shift, and it is important you do not let him leave until she gives him clearance, alright? Else he could fall unconscious and hit his head somewhere unknown, and we don't want that happening? Right?"

The look she gave him was one that spoke of how she was not joking about the severity of the situation. The firmness of her tone warning him to listen to her words. So Snape could only nod, his positive response causing her to smile at him slightly. "I'm going to return this bottle now, please look after him for me."

Then Sakura walked away, her back facing the pair as Draco's silver eyes opened slightly. The narrow opening between his lids mixing with the bleariness of just waking up made him almost mistake Sakura for someone else.

But the pink hair was a dead give away, no matter how she'd tried to tie it out the way and cover up her signature red outfit with white. No matter how he could barely make out the distant side of the room. There was no denying that the person walking away from him was Sakura.

"Sakura's warned me to make sure you drink your potion, you're also not to leave this bed anytime soon alright?" the sound of Snape's voice beside him drew his attention away from the quickly retreating girl, but the man wasn't focus changed from him to the young woman he'd previously been watching.

"You just missed her by the way. She's off-shift now, you have quite terrible timing if you wanted to talk to her." Draco's own eyes turned to look at her as she left, his hand wrapping around the drink, it's awful odours irritating his nose. This was the closest he'd been to talk to her in a year.

"No." he started, not meeting Snape's surprised eyes as the man turned to look at him again. Draco simply frowned to himself, drinking the awful medication in as few mouthfuls as possible.

"It's better this way anyway,"

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