Chapter 33

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"Sakura Haruno, Fail."

Sakura stared at Umbridge in shock and horror as she received the results of the test. The staff all having met in the staffroom to see who was staying and who was not.

The staffroom erupted into protest as they tried to defend the shell-shocked girl. She'd worked so hard, and what for? To be told she was 'too young'? Getting up from her chair in complete silence, the room hushing at the sound of wood scraping against stone.

Turning on her heel, Sakura walked straight out of the room, eyes following her form as tears built up in her own. She had been so sure she was going to stay, but now... There was no denying the results, this was the end of the road for her.

She'd have to talk to Dumbledore, see if he could get her a recommendation for another school, she'd heard that there was a nice one in America. Whilst it was in a completely different continent, at least she would be completely off the map.

Curled up in a corner near the hospital quarter sobbing to herself was where Draco found her. The blonde boy's face twisting into one of confusion as he waved off his two companions. He'd seen Sakura sitting happily in the Great Hall for lunch only an hour or two ago, so what had put her in such a foul mood?

Taking hesitant steps towards the girl, he slowly lowered himself to the ground next to her. Back leaning against the wall as he called softly, "Sakura?"

The girl shot upwards, the sudden movement causing her to stumble as her red-rimmed, tear-stained eyes watched over the corridor, searching for the one who called her name. "Down here Sakura."

Green eyes turned to look at the familiar boy; the state in which Sakura was in causing him to wince. Her hair was filthy and incredibly messy, as though she'd been pulled at it. Eyes glistening in the candlelight that illuminated the hallway. 

"Draco," she whispered, almost in disbelief as she collapsed to the floor once more, her legs giving out beneath her. "Their getting rid of me, Draco. They don't want me here anymore... She says I'm too young... I'm scared, what am I going to do?"

Draco could only stare at the girl as she burst into tears yet again. He was not experienced in helping tearful females, Sakura was normally so strong. Yet here she was, crying her heart out and baring her soul to him, and all he could do was stare blankly at her like a fool.

Shuffling forwards hesitantly, he reached out to awkwardly pat her shoulder, mentally cursing himself as she cried even harder. "Talk to me, Sakura. What do you mean their getting rid of you? Your the strongest person I know, why would they get rid of you?"Sakura sniffed, looking through her eyelashes at the boy before replying.

"Umbridge is interviewing staff and declaring who is fit to stay. I failed Draco. Something about me being too young to work here, she says maybe I can come back when I'm older, but I'm not allowed to work here until I come of age. I've no idea what to do... I don't have anywhere to go, I've always lived here at Hogwarts, I'm so scared..." 

Her voice stuttered as she murmured her dilemmas to the boy, barely trusting her own voice as she talked. Draco's silver eyes narrowing in agitation as he watched her completely collapse before him.

"I'll talk to my father about this, in fact, I'll send him an owl now and see if you can stay at the Malfoy manor whilst we sort this out. It's going to be okay, you'll see."

Draco nervously watched her response, he had no idea what came over him there, he'd honestly panicked and just blurted things in hope to calm the crying girl. But whatever he said worked, Sakura giving him a thankful smile before collapsing in his arms. 

Her shaking body relaxing as his stiffened at the sudden contact, relaxing himself shortly after as his arms wrapped around her in an awkward hug of sorts. Exhaustion coming over the girl, all those tears taking its toll on her body and causing her to close her eyes, falling asleep in Draco's arms once more.

Draco sighed as he looked down at the quietly snoring girl, smiling to himself as he lifted them both off of the ground. Feet taking him to the Slytherin common rooms, doubting that she would want to return to her quarters just yet.

Or at least, that is what he told himself. In all honesty, he didn't want her disappearing without saying goodbye. He was worried they may take her away, his trust in his father's coworker disappearing faster than you could say 'protego'.

Walking in silence through the common room, he ignored the varying stares he received as he climbed the stairs to his dorm. Gently lowering the girl on his bed, he tucked her in and drew the curtains around her before leaving.

His next destination being none other than the owlery. A slip of parchment and a quill in his hand as he planned out the message to his father in his mind. He'd probably have to word it in a way that would make his father think this was for the good of Voldemort rather than his own selfish desires.

Touching his quill to the scroll, he wrote the message out carefully, the tone he used formal, as he always used when talking to his father.

Dear Mother and Father,

It has come to my attention that Ms. Sakura Haruno has recently lost her job, this being her work at the infirmary at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; as you may know already.

I have also realised that this would be the perfect opportunity to convince her to join our side in the oncoming war. Weakened and in shock from the sudden loss of career, what other time would be more appropriate. We may be able to show her that our side does not betray our own, this ideology being one that would be shown in our welcoming of her.

Please consider this and write back to me swiftly else she may be gone before we can do anything.

Yours sincerely,

Your son and heir,

Draco Malfoy

Draco scanned the letter briefly before nodding to himself and turning to one of the Malfoy owls. The bird of prey being a large tawny owl by the name of Artemis. "You know what to do, take it home," he muttered quietly to the creature before releasing it, the letter held tightly in its beak as its strong wings beat at the frosty winter air.

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