Chapter 26

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Of course, it didn't take long for the press to find out about the supposed miracle that had occurred during the final round of the Triwizard Tournament. The multitude of paparazzi attempting to get their respective newspaper the thrilling story. Rita Skeeter receiving the first insight on it.

Miracle Medic defeats the killing curse

The story was greatly worshipped by the public, the talk of the mysterious occurrence spreading like wildfire. Of course, the agreement between Dumbledore and the Daily Prophet's gossip correspondent was that the article would not be published without first being approved by the 'Miracle Medic' herself, should she wish to go incognito. There were a lot of risks with her name being written down in that article, should something go wrong and the world is taken over by Voldemort, she would be put at risk. That was a choice she would need to make herself when she was fully coherent.

It was the middle of the night when Sakura finally woke up, the hospital empty and silent. Something that was almost unnerving for the girl, but as she looked around, she began to make out the shape of the other patient in the room. She pushed her body up from the bed, settling in an upright position before shifting the duvet cover to the side. The cold evening air rushed over her bare legs causing goosebumps to cover her skin. As she moved her feet off of the bed so they came into contact with the stone-tiled floor, she almost jumped at the icy feel underneath her toes. 

With a deep, shaky breath, she pushed herself upright. However, the lack of walking had made her muscles stiff, not helped by the blood rushing to her head causing her vision to blur and so she was quick to topple to the floor. Wrapping her hand around the bedpost of the bed next to her, she heaved herself up once more, her legs shaking slightly before stilling enough for her to totter over to the door of the room, her right arm gripping firmly onto the beds beside her in an attempt to keep herself upright. As she passed the only other occupied bed, she was surprised and slightly relieved to see Cedric Diggory in it. The relief coming from the fact that if he remained here, it meant he was still alive. 

Shaking the morbid thoughts from her mind, she unsteadily approached one of the two doors beside the exit. When she'd passed her medics examination, she'd been reassigned a room in the infirmary should she have long shifts and short breaks. The moment she came into contact with the handle, removed the key from her pocket, quickly unlocking the door. As soon as she stepped into the room, she beelined in slow motion towards where she'd been attempting recreating chakra restoration pills with the limited supplies she had access to. The ones she had at the moment helped but they weren't incredible. They also tasted disgusting, not unlike the ones she'd had back in her past life. 

Either way, she rummaged around in her drawers, grabbing a couple of small pills before shakily returning to her bed. That was the other thing, the pills would work by supercharging her stamina which in turn, increased her chakra reserves. The only problem being that this stamina increase was temporary and after it cancelled out, there would be another few minutes where she was quickly transforming stamina into chakra. That leading to her passing out once more and she didn't want to pass out onto the floor if she could help it.

After settling herself back into the plushy hospital bed and burrowing herself underneath the covers, she reached to her side where a glass of water stood. Shoving the pills into her mouth, she took a large mouthful of water before swallowing, scowling at the taste.

The exhaustion she'd previously felt from just waking up, disappeared instantly. The temptation to just give in to her fatigue changing to the desire to run laps around the school. She closed her eyes lightly, processing her memories as she tried to ignore her childish desires. She lay like that for 10 minutes before suddenly all the energy within her sudden disappeared taking her greyscaled vision with it.

When she woke up again, it was around the middle of the day and whilst the hospital was not overfilled, it wasn't empty either. Most of the students there were there for minor wounds like quidditch injuries, potion mishaps or backfired hexes of varying severities. However, Madame Pomphrey was not overwhelmed enough not to be able to assist Sakura when she began to shift around in the bed. The side effects of chakra exhaustion almost nil after taking that pill, the only the reminder of it was her minor headache and the fact she was not fully recovered from being unconscious. 

Either way, there was no denying she was much better and the pink-haired girl was more than happy to vacate her bed under the promise to take it easy and use her prescribed crutches. And it was for that reason that she was now well on her way to the great hall where lunch was just beginning and students were happily stuffing their faces with various types of food. The room, once alive with megear chatter, now hushed to a deathly silence at the sight of an exhausted Sakura. It was certainly an odd feeling, despite being asleep for so long, she felt as though she hadn't slept a wink. Either way, the girl wobbled to the front of the room, thankful for the wooden sticks tucked under her armpit, the feeling of fear almost dominating her as she worried she'd stumble on an uneven tile and faceplant with the floor.

Luckily for her, she managed to just about make it to the high table and take a seat without humiliating herself. Not that anybody would laugh at her, they'd all seen her display of power during the tournament and greatly respected the girl. Her falling over would only humanise their newest idol, not cause their new respect to disappear. Either way, it was nice for everything to be back to normal.

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