Chapter 38

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The following few months found Sakura in possibly the best mood she'd ever been in since coming to this new world. The long-distance conversation she'd been having with her old teammates keeping her entertained during the long periods of time she had nothing else to do.

The long days she spent training in the forest had not been ill-spent either. Her chakra reserves soaring, higher than she'd known, not by much, but it was still impressive. 

She'd also regained her strength of 100, the diamond disappearing from her forehead since her arrival here. But the purple marking had returned to its rightful place on her slightly-above-average sized forehead.

But it wasn't until the 18th December that Draco finally arrived at the manor. The silent hallways the same as when he left them at the beginning of the term. The boy wouldn't even have known that Sakura was staying there if he didn't invite her himself.

In fact, he didn't see the pink-haired girl until dinner that night. As per usual, he went down to the second dining room, and there she was. Looking exactly like the day she'd left Hogwarts -not that it has been that long.

The two didn't speak much during the meal - there was very little discussion going on anyway. However, after dinner, the pair headed off to sit in the parlour where they spent the majority of the night chatting.

Their conversation, despite the meaningless words that spurred the continuation of the chatter where comforting. Draco complained, mostly about Harry, and about how he was pretty sure something was going on with the boy-who-lived.

But, due to the lack of proof -something that clearly irked the boy to an unreasonable extent- Potter was yet to be expelled. Apparently she wasn't the only teacher to feel the wrath of the small pest who went by the name of 'Dolores Umbridge' either.

Suddenly, Draco brought up the topic Sakura had hoped to avoid. The unexpected remark catching her off-guard. "What is that mark on your forehead? I don't recognise it from anywhere, and it certainly wasn't there before."

Gulping nervously, Sakura began to fret. Should she tell him the truth? Or should she lie? 

The chances of him finding out about her lying would be slim, but she didn't want to have to lie to him. With a deep breath, she decided it would be of little consequence for her to tell him the truth. However, lying would leave a bad mark on her conscience.

"It is known as the byakugo no in, or Strength of a hundred seal. It helps me with my control and can also boost the strength of my techniques."

Sakura's green eyes turned to look at the blonde boy in front of her. Slightly nervous about his response, but at the same time, she trusted in their bond. She was pretty sure that he would accept it and move onwards.

Clearly, luck was on her side for not long later, Draco replied, "That's interesting" before directing the conversation elsewhere, much to her relief.

The sun was long since gone from the sky by the time the two decided to retire to their rooms. Draco walking Sakura through the maze he called home, dropping her off at her room with a silent 'Goodnight', before turning on his heel and leaving. A yawn threatening to escape him.

Sakura, on the other hand, was practically buzzing with excitement. The day had taken an unexpected twist that she was more than glad about. 

See, she'd lost track of time during her stay at the manor. Days had become weeks, which, in turn, had become months. And suddenly, Draco had returned.

Had she had known about his arrival, she may have chosen an internal activity, rather than going out on the grounds to improve her reserves. But seeing him had been a wonderful surprise anyway.

Closing the door behind her as she stepped into the room, a smile on her face. Her green eyes moved around the large open space before stopping to land on the letter on her desk. The handwriting familiar, the letter itself causing her lips to curve yet further -if that was even possible- in happiness.

Dear Sakura,

Glad to hear you are well, everything is going well in Konoha as well.

Naruto asked out Hinata, it came as quite the shock to us all, to be honest. He turned up to training and declared the fact, a smile on his face. It has come to my attention he has been doing a lot better since learning you're alive.

On the other hand, Sasuke has grown more agitated. Whilst Naruto has succeeded in getting him to turn up to more social events, I fear he may be overworking himself. I am unsure as to the reason behind this sudden regression, however, I am worried this may involve you somehow.

He has certainly mentioned your name quite a few times during his sleep -we have to keep an eye on him to make sure he gets the proper rest. However, this may just be completely unrelated. Either way, I felt I should tell you, just in case something happens.

I'm not entirely sure when this letter will get to you, but guessing from the dates you've previously mentioned, I suppose a 'Merry Christmas' is due.

Anyway, I'm sure this letter finds you to still be healthy.


6th Hokage

Re-rolling the scroll, she tucked in away in the stack of other letters she'd received from Kakashi, her hesitance to burn them triumphing over her better judgement.

Whilst she knew it was the protocol to destroy messages so as not to give away any additional information. She wasn't currently in the Great Nations and so, as far as she cared, the standard procedure didn't apply to her. 

Besides, it's not like they could enforce it anyway, with the majority of them believe she was dead, and the only ones knowledgeable of her survival (or at least, as far as she knew) were her friends.

With a sigh, she wandered over to her bed, collapsing face-first onto the plushy mattress. Burying her face into her pillow with a smile on her face.

Today had been incredible, and she wouldn't change it for the world.

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