Chapter 39

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Sakura stared blankly at the plain wall in front of her; fingers rapidly spinning the pen in her hand. She'd been seated at the desk for the past 2 hours, and yet the perfect wording for the letter was just out of her reach. Of course, she was very sure it would come to her, just, she didn't quite know when.

Not even the sound of the door creaking open slowly and approaching footsteps disturbed her from her thinking. Sighing to herself for the third time in the past ten minutes, she scribbled out the words on the page in front of her.

A hand suddenly appeared on her shoulder causing the girl to literally jump in shock. No longer sitting on the chair, her eyes flickered quickly to the person behind her. The mop of cropped blonde hair the first feature she took notice of.

"Don't scare me like that Draco!" she huffed, crossing her arms as she frowned half-heartedly at the boy. "What's up with you today? Why are you so jumpy? Normally you would have noticed me by now..." he trailed off, grey eyes landing on the parchment that rested on the desk before him.

"No offence or anything, but who exactly are you writing to? You don't know anyone, not in Hogwarts, and you messaged Snape yesterday." Sakura's green eyes widened in shock at his observant behaviour, that was not a trait that she anticipated.

"Ummmm. I'm talking to an old friend, I recently got into contact with them so.... yeah. That's why you don't know about them..." she trailed off, shifting slightly as she didn't make eye contact with the blonde boy.

Whilst it technically wasn't a lie, she hated not telling Draco, the guilt eating away at her. Of course, she would tell him one day, just not today was what she told herself, every time she received a letter.

Humming in acknowledgement to her excuse and deciding not to push his luck, Draco changed the topic, "The Parkinsons are having a Christmas ball this year, and as the Malfoy family, we have received an invite. I wanted to ask if you wanted to join us. Of course, it isn't mandatory for you, but I'm sure you'll have fun."

Sakura smiled at Draco, green eyes closing slightly as her lips curved upwards. "Of course I'll come, but I don't have anything to wear."

Draco simply waved his hand, as though dismissing her words, "Don't worry yourself over it. My mother would be more than happy to take you to get a fitting. She didn't have a daughter, and she's always complaining about she can't take me shopping." 

Sakura beamed at the boy. "Thank you," she replied, her tone with a slightly more sing-song feel to it. Draco simply nodded before turning to leave, "I'll go tell her and then I will get back to you, alright?" nodding her head, Sakura turned back to the desk, taking a seat in the dark green chair once more.


As promised, Narcissa was more than happy to take the pink-haired female to a fitting at one of the many shops in Diagon Alley. The dressmaker was one of the kindest women Sakura had ever met. Her vivid blue eyes so full with life Sakura had to take a double look at them, quite sure they were fake.

"Hello, you must be Sakura Haruno, my name is Marylin Jones, it's lovely to meet you. I've been asked to help you with a dress for the Parkinson Christmas Ball. I've got a couple of designs for you to have a look at, and I will also need to take some measurements before you leave if that is okay."

Sakura could only smile as the woman talked animatedly at her for a good couple of hours. Her long fingers indicating various different designs and what was good about them. In the end, the pair chose a dress with a more festive look to it. 

The golden skirt cropped to her knees whilst around the back was a bushier green skirt came to the floor. The green covered in pearls that mimicked fairy lights. Around her waist would be a red ribbon that would be tied into a bow around her front. And the top was short-sleeved and white in colour.

Smiling, she allowed the various tapes to wrap themselves around her body, a quill taking notes of her measurements on its own. Turning to look at Narcissa, she grinned at the woman who smiled back at her from her own podium. They'd both gone to get their own dresses after all.


The following weekend found Sakura rushing around her room as she hunted down the pair of pumps she could have sworn she'd left by the door, but weren't there. So now she was sprawled on the floor, sweeping her hand underneath her bed -never a good idea in a magical world.

The moment she felt her hands brush against the patent leathered pumps, she wrapped her fingers around the edges before jerking them out from beneath the bed. Smiling at the sight of them, she placed them in the centre of the room so as not to lose them again. Grabbing the dress off of its hanger, she rested it on her bed before pulling her red t-shirt off.

Half an hour later and Sakura was staring nervously at herself in the mirror. Hesitance to leave the room rippling through her before she took a deep breath and opening the door.

On the other side of the door stood Draco himself, pale fist raised to knock on the now open door. His eyes widening in shock at the girl in front of him. He thought she looked pretty at the Yule Ball, but this was putting her past self to shame.

Realising he'd taken too long, he said the first thing that came to mind, "You look incredible Sakura."


Dress below

Dress below

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