Chapter 13

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During the following week was one of the most terrifying quidditch matches Hogwarts had ever seen. 

It was raining extremely heavily, thunder drowning out the cheers and lightning revealing the pitch. Umbrellas were flying everywhere in the torrential winds and students were feeling uncomfortably cold and wet. The match itself was between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

At one point, however, one of the brooms got struck by lightning. The bushy end of it lit up as the rider lost control, rocketing to the ground. Sakura, despite the heavy rain, raced across to them. The poor person was unconscious from the fall and bleeding heavily.  The bones that were broken upon impact now protruding from the body, causing the wounds to worsen. Gently taking hold of the person's cloak, Sakura quickly body-flickered herself to the infirmary.

Whilst she could theoretically heal the injuries, it was safer to get Madame Pomphrey to help. This was a dangerous situation and should something go wrong, Sakura was risking a long time in prison. She was yet to become a qualified doctor, now whilst she could get away with bumps, bruising and sprains (along with some broken bones which she definitely should not be risking healing) this was pushing it. One wrong move and the girl could potentially die.

The moment she placed the person on the bed, she shouted out for assistance. She needed to get back to the game, should something happen while she wasn't there... She dreaded to think of the consequences. All that was going through her mind was the catastrophe that had happened last year with Harry's broken arm and Professor Lockhart. Wincing at the memory, the girl called out for assistance again, letting out a sigh of relief at the sound of feet approaching her. Looking up, she gave Madame Pomphrey a shaky smile before flickering back to the pitch - hopefully, nothing had gone wrong in her absence.

To Sakura's great relief, nothing had happened, however, the two seekers were currently missing. She could only assume that they were somewhere above the pitch and in the clouds. But the rain was so thick and heavy, they could be anywhere for all she knew.

That was when a rather fried-looking Hufflepuff seeker fell through the clouds. Holding back a shriek of surprise, Sakura raced onto the pitch. Her right arm, still in its sling, remained by her side as she began to add chakra to her left. Carefully forming a wall of solid air, she caught the falling boy just before he came into contact with the ground. The air slowly moving downwards as well in order to lessen the impact.

Wincing at the state in which he was in. But she didn't have time for that, she needed to begin supporting his nervous system. Lightning could seriously damage that as your body was suddenly given a lot of electricity and that could cause somebody to go into cardiac arrest if you were not careful enough. Quickly summoning a medium-sized Katsuyu, Sakura instantly began giving chakra to the slug. She could only hope that the slug would be able to maintain the boy's life until they were able to treat him. With a spike of chakra, the girl, slug and boy disappeared from sight. 

"Madame Pomphrey! Madame Pomphrey! It's a medical emergency,  code 1 through 3!" As she spoke she noticed the woman who was previously treating the Gryffindor player instantly race over to her. "Okay, Sakura, I need you to get me the materials I need and then go back to the pitch, okay?" Nodding her head, Sakura raced over to the cabinet, quickly grabbing a couple of vials, she placed them next to Madame Pomphrey before disappearing once more.

The moment she returned to the pitch, she was greeted by screams of terror and the sound of Dumbledore shouting "Arresto Momento". Sakura instantly reached out to catch the boy as he slowly fell to the floor. "I've got you, Harry, don't worry now." She watched as worried friends and housemates raced over to the girl and the boy who lived. She gave them a wave with her injured arm before flickering from sight.

After carefully placing Harry on the bed, she began to assist Madame Pomphrey as best she could. That was when the woman spoke up, "You know what, I need you to finish the treatment of the Hufflepuff for me, please. He is out of critical, but will need constant surveillance, something which I cannot give him." Humming in acknowledgement of the command, Sakura took a seat next to the boy. Whilst they had successfully restarted his heart, they needed to wait until they could be sure that the excess electricity had been used up and wouldn't cause another problem for the boy. It would not be preferable if he was to still die after all.

About ten-fifteen minutes into her dull afternoon of supervising the unconscious boy, the herd of Weasleys plus Hermione burst into the room, declaring their need to see Harry. Not in the mood to argue with them, Madame Pomphrey simply allowed them all into the room, no questions asked. When Hermione spotted the familiar pink-haired female sitting next to the Hufflepuff seeker, she wandered over. The girl's green eyes remained on the boy as she spoke up, "Yes Hermione?" the brunette's eyes widened in shock.

"How did you know it was me?" the brown-haired girl cocked her head to the side in genuine curiosity. "You walk differently to the boys and your magic is always rather placid and not erratic like the Weasley's magic." it was only then that Sakura looked up, giving the girl a close-eyed smile before focusing back on the boy. What she didn't tell Hermione was that what she was actually sensing was her chakra. Although it worked very differently in this world, everyone had a little bit of it. Of course, if they were in her world, they would be nothing more than civilians, their magic came from a different source. But chakra is, at the end of the day, spiritual energy and whilst they couldn't use it here, it was still there.

"I was wondering, how were you able to summon that slug?" Sakura gave the female a cryptic smile, "Wouldn't you like to know?" Hermione was about to make an annoying comment in reply when suddenly the Hufflepuff boy began to spasm. Cursing to herself, Sakura instantly acted, hands glowing as they ran across the nervous system. She quickly moved towards the head, numbing all instructions, subconscious or not. Getting frustrated at the sling, storing it as best she could in her arm. Wrapping a layer of insulating chakra around it, she carefully quarantined it from entering anywhere else. Scowling in pain as she felt it travel through her arm, she continued on, not stopping until the boy lay still. Releasing her control on his movements, she took a wobbly step back, arm burning in pain. Just great, now she'd have to heal that too, but that could wait. "Hey, Hermione, watch him for a minute, I just need to use this electricity up quickly." Then she flung the window open, herself following shortly after.

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