Chapter 46

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The death of Aragog the spider was certainly the cause of misery for those who knew him. Sakura had never actually met the overgrown arachnid, so she was not too upset, but Hagrid did, and she intended to spend the day grieving with her friend.

Well, it was partly to comfort Hagrid, and partly because the half-giant could act rather thoughtlessly when sad. As was proven when she left him for a couple of hours under the apparently-not-so-watchful eye of Professor Slughorn and Harry Potter. 

The pink-haired girl returning to find the two adults both very drunk and singing along completely out of tune. The boy-who-lived sitting by the fireplace, staring blankly into the flames.

It was a matter of minutes after her arrival that Hagrid fell asleep, his mind sluggish from the alcohol. Sakura smiled sadly at the large man, his heart was incredibly gentle for someone so large.

She glanced once more at him before stepping towards the man's room to grab a blanket to stop him getting too cold in the chilly night air. She stood just behind the door, hesitating to walk back into the room at the sound of Slughorn and Harry having an important discussion.

Knowing better than to intrude on their moment, she moved to sit back on the bed, her mind drifting to think over what had been happening the past few days. Images flashing by in her mind, some causing smiles, others causing tears.

About ten minutes later, the duo left the hut, the door slamming shut behind them as they made their way back up to Hogwarts. Sakura sighed, pushing the door open, the iron handle cold to the touch as she closed the door behind her. 

Whilst the bedroom was near frozen, the main room was practically a sauna. The heat of the roaring fire almost uncomfortably hot, but by the looks of it, the fire would not be there for much longer. The roaring flames already dying as they become nothing but embers on the crackling wood.

She smiled at the sleeping man, memories of when she first came here racing through her mind. How Hagrid had persevered with her, despite having the language barrier blocking them. The man truly was too good for this world.

Stepping over to him, she opened the blanket, resting it gently over his torso in an attempt to block the future chill that would likely awaken him. After checking that it wouldn't slip, she stepped back and moved to leave.

Fang whimpered pathetically as she went to open the door, his cry for attention attracting her green eyes. She gave him a gentle smile, the slobbering hound shuffling towards her, rubbing his muzzle affectionately on her leg as she rubbed behind his floppy ears.

"I've got to go back up to the castle now, but you take good care of Hagrid for me please," she muttered quietly to the dog as she bent down to pet him. His collar jingling as the pendant battered the metal buckle.

Fang simply whined, pushing firmly against Sakura, almost bowling her over, his brown eyes miserable almost begging her to stay. "Good night Fang," she smiled, the dog whimpering to himself as he returned faithfully to his giant owner. His eyes never leaving Sakura's as she stepped out into the cold.

The freezing air hitting her in the face with full force, the wind battering her cheeks and turning them bright red, the tip of her nose following their example. Frowning at her lack of forethought to bring a coat or something that could warm her cold body.

Shaking her head, she simply raced up to the school, the act of running warming up her cold muscles. Her hands had to frequently be withdrawn from her pockets as she pushed strands of wild hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ears as best she could, not that they'd stay there long anyway.

With a little further effort, she pushed the heavy wooden doors that shielded the school's inside from its grounds. Her light footsteps bouncing off of the walls simply because it was the only sound being made in the otherwise empty corridors.

The torches that lined the wall glowing brightly in the darkening corridor as the sun was chased out of the sky by the moon and stars. The pinkish-orange hue lining the Western side of the corridor windows, the moon illuminating the East.

Pushing the door to the medical bay open, she crept inside, the large quiet room lined with empty beds. It was the first time in quite a while that they had no student currently residing in one of the many beds. Not that that was a bad thing, it meant that she was not needed in the hospital ward and so she had more time to herself.

Unlocking her bedroom door, she pushed the creaking door open, wincing as its sound bounded around the room. Slinking inside her room like a scolded child, she pushed it shut behind her, green eyes lined with bags staring blankly at the room before her, her eyes taking in the sight of an owl hooting as it knocked on her window.

Opening the window, she received the letter, Dumbledore's writing clear on the envelope, her name written smartly and clearly. Prying it open, her eyes scanned the letter, the urgent message of summoning causing her to body-flicker instantly.

Pushing open his door, it didn't take long for her to notice the room was empty except for Dumbledore and his phoenix. The man in question turned away from the girl as he stared out the window.

"Thank you for coming quickly Sakura." the old man started, something about his tone instantly unnerving Sakura. "I have something of great importance I need to talk to you about, and I ask you to do this in confidence alright. You must understand, that whatever happens, you swear you'll listen to me, and not tell anyone of what I am about to tell you."

Sakura's eyes narrowed at his words, shifting where she stood, she spoke up, "Of course, you have my word Dumbledore, but what is it?" Dumbledore sighed to himself, turning to peer at her through his half-moon glasses.

"Before the year is over, I am going to die. It is of great importance that no matter what you do, you do not revive me, after all, everything will be in vain if you do. I know this is going to be difficult for you, and ideally, I would not place such a task on such a young soul, but you must swear to me, you'll not revive me."

Sakura's eyes glistened slightly, tears threatening to spill as she readied herself for what would be the hardest decision to make.

"I understand Dumbledore, you have my word."

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