Chapter 12

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The following day Sakura was in a cast and sling as she made her way towards Professor Lupin's class. Snape had asked her to give him a potion - something about it being very important, but the man couldn't give it to him for he was struggling due to the additional classes he was to be teaching for the following couple of weeks. Bored out of her mind and wanting to move around a bit more, Sakura had begun the tedious task of seeking out the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. What she found there, terrified her.

The lesson she'd stumbled upon was none other than Professor Lupin's boggart class and it was a terrifying experience. The class, unknowing of her lack of magic, instantly encouraged the seemingly bold girl to give it a go. She was hesitant at first, but after some convincing, gave it a go.

Stepping up to the closet, she looked at Lupin. The man gave her a gentle smile, "Don't worry, if something goes wrong, I'll perform Riddikulus for you." Sakura gave him a wobbly smile before turning to look back at the closet. "3...2...1... Now." The door slammed open, the being that came out was terrifying to the entire class, it had 10 tails which swung wildly around the room, and its form was rather human-like if it weren't for the weird spiral on its back. Its singular eye watching the girl in front of her.  After stepping out of the wardrobe, the animal had grown considerably. But her eyes were not on the beast but focused on the ground. Underneath its claws lay two bodies, one was a blonde boy in an orange jumpsuit, the other was a boy with a white shirt and black trousers. Both were clearly dead, speared by the claws of the creature in front of it. "Jūbi" Sakura whispered as she looked at the beast, her voice only heard by the few people beside her, "Naruto.... Sasuke...." tears welling up in her eyes as she stepped backwards fearfully. The creature only coming closer and closer. Something in Sakura snapped, hands flickering as she quickly formed a large dragon made of fire. The dragon flew at the beast before Sakura quickly fled the room. Heart racing as she shot out of the door.

Eyes turned to where she stood previously, all that remained was a vial on the floor, Lupin grimaced before picking it up. "Okay... Who wants to go next?"

The following week found Hogwarts in chaos. Something had gotten past their defences and attacked the fat lady - doorkeeper of Gryfindor's common room. The students had to spend their night in the cold great hall, warmed only by the singular fireplace.

Sakura's green eyes scanned the room, she'd just returned from searching the dungeons with Snape, only to return empty-handed. She stared at the students who lay in the hall, sympathy in her eyes. Turning to Dumbledore when she noticed that Snape had stopped talking, "If you'd like, sir, I could summon Lady Katsuyu, she can watch over the castle and grounds much better and help heal any injured." 

Eyes turned to the girl in confusion, "Lady Katsuyu?" Sakura hummed in agreement, eyes lifting to look directly at the older man, "My summoning. Well, there's Hikari as well, but I'm not sure he would be needed now." Dumbledore rubbed his forehead, the stress of the situation clearly getting to him. "When summoned, she can communicate telepathically to the others, I can give you one if it makes you feel better. That way, you'd be alerted to the location immediately." Dumbledore thought for a moment or two before speaking up, "Okay." Sakura grinned before racing forwards to where the grand table usually stood. It was the only place with no students after all. Walking to the centre of it, she took a deep breath before suddenly moving.

Biting her thumb, Sakura slammed her bloodied hand to the ground, "Summoning Jutsu!" there was a poof of smoke before a large slug took up the entire raised platform. Sakura quickly jumped down from the head on which she was currently perched, "Hello Lady Katsuyu, it is lovely to see you again. As much as I'd love to catch up, I have a request. Can you please help monitor the school, we've had a break-in and need some extra security. I know it's not normally your thing, but it would be comforting to know we have eyes everywhere." The slug smiled at the pink-haired girl in front of her. "Okay, but in return, we need to talk, it's to do with Tsunade. Understood?" Sakura stiffened up, nodding her head, smile gone. The slug nodded her head before dissolving into many much smaller versions of herself. The small slugs then scattered, leaving the hall to cover the many places in the school, only a handful remaining behind to receive instructions on how to enter common rooms.

The few Gryffindors who remained awake watched in confusion. This must be a dream, right? There was no way Sakura would be able to summon a huge slug. There's also no way it would be able to do that. It just wasn't logical. Hermione, however, made a mental note to check it out in the library tomorrow. There must be at least one book on the strange creature that Sakura called upon. Right?

Sakura turned to Dumbledore, "Here, just keep Katsuyu on your shoulder or something. She'll keep you updated on anything you need to know." Dumbledore nodded seriously, taking the slug from Sakura's hand and placing it gently on his shoulder. Sakura then spoke again, "Please let the rest of them know how to enter common rooms if you don't mind." The man nodded before leading the group of 7 or 8 slugs away. Sakura turned to look back at Snape, the man's face was serious. "I'm going to retire to my room now if you do not mind. Good night." Sakura bowed to the man before walking out of the hall, doors creaking shut behind her as she left the Grand Hall.

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