Chapter 35

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Draco hesitated in his request, this was the perfect opportunity to get Sakura on his side, why would the words not come out. The words were ringing through his mind, but he just couldn't convey them.

Meanwhile, Sakura was only staring at him in confusion, what was so important?

Suddenly Draco straightened up, clearing his voice as he readied himself mentally. The ideal scenario being the only one he allowed to occur in his mind. 

"As I'm sure your aware, a war is coming and I don't want you on the wrong side. My request is simple, join my side."

Draco cursed himself mentally, was he too blunt? Why was she not responding? The questions of spinning around his head as doubt washed over him.

It wasn't that Sakura didn't want to join his side, in fact, she really did. She was just so surprised he actually had the guts to tell her. Normally, she was the one harassing things out of him, but here he was, flat out asking her on his own accord.

"O-okay." was all she could muster the moment she came out her thoughts. The boy in front of her sighing in relief at her response.

"That's good to here, now, shall we go and pack your things. I'm sure this will only be temporary, but its best not to leave anything behind if you can avoid it."

Draco's sensible request jerked the Sakura out of the remaining daydreams that lurked in her consciousness. Nodding her head, she confidently walked out of the room, Draco following behind her as he lifted the many charms on the room.

Sakura sighed as she looked at the various clothes scattered around her room. The snicker coming from Draco causing her to scowl as she punched what she was pretty sure to be his stomach. The unexpected action causing the boy to hunch over, arms wrapped protectively over the spot as a gasp for air, despite the fact that it was only a playful one.

"What was that for?" Draco asked managed, his voice was breathy as he tried to recover from the sudden attack.

"That, Draco, was for laughing at me. I'll have you know, this room is actually very organised, see, over there is my red heap." Sakura indicated vaguely towards where a pile, around waist high and equal in width rested. 

Draco frowned, he was pretty sure that at least half of Sakura's wardrobe was made up of red clothing of varying shades. Shaking his head, he raised his wand, levitating the clothes into Sakura's open suitcase with a wave of his wand and the mutter of wingardium leviosa.

When the clothes were all put away, Sakura looked at the now empty room, the walls bare and the whole place had a cold, unwelcoming feel to it. The thought that she was leaving the place she'd called home for the past few years leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

Eager to leave as quickly as she could, she pushed past Draco, the boy silently following after her. 

Their next destination would be Dumbledore's office. Sakura had intended to go to visit the older man the day before, but clearly that never happened. So now she would just have to make the trip now instead.

Speaking the words, "Cauldron cakes", the phrase causing the gargoyle in front of her to begin groaning as the heavy stone object began its ascent to the headmaster's office.

Sakura gave Draco a smile before speaking, "Thank you again for all the help you have given me, Draco, but I'm quite sure you are needed in classes now. However, I really should not keep you much longer. You've already done so much for you, I will honour your request. See you soon."

Draco nodded his head, she was right, he was already a couple of minutes late to class, and that was assuming he didn't have to return to the Slytherin dorms to collect his books. "See you in the holidays, Sakura," he spoke to the girls retreating form. The girl simply raising a hand in acknowledgement before she disappeared from sight completely.

Draco stared at the stairs for a moment longer before turning on his heel and walking away briskly. Professor McGonagall was not going to be best impressed with his tardiness. He could only hope that the woman would be more forgiving after finding out the reason for it.


Sakura watched the old man stand to greet her through bleary eyes. The tears she'd fought back so hard finally returning as she was once more reminded of the unavoidable. 

She cursed herself for being so weak, she had barely let loose a tear during her entire stay at Hogwarts, and yet over the past 24 hours, she'd cried enough to fill the black lake!

She could only grin as the man engulfed her shaking form in a much needed, warm embrace. The familial scent of sherbet lemon sweets taking over her senses as she felt her exhausted muscles relax.

Patting her on the back, Dumbledore spoke up, "I promise I will work to get you your job back here and remember, Hogwarts will be forever thankful for all the incredible work you have done here. Our doors will always be open to you in times of dire need. Don't be a stranger now Sakura."

The girl pulled away from the hug to give the man a happy smile, the reddish tear tracks on her face distinct against her otherwise pale skin. 

"Thank you, Dumbledore, for everything. However, fear not for me, you see, Draco has offered me a room at the Malfoy residence. I'm quite sure that I will find something to do, and the quiet days will be good for me."

Dumbledore nodded his head kindly at the girl, "Have you said your goodbyes to Severus, Rubeus and the other teachers. I'm sure they would like to see you one more time before you go."

Sakura simply shook her head, "I doubt I will have the heart to leave if I see them, it is already hard enough as it is, and besides, it isn't goodbye, it is simply a 'see you later'."

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