Chapter 50

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It took Sakura longer to arrive in England than first anticipated. The train she'd originally caught was held up for several hours just outside the city of Calais. By the time the train began to move again, she had already begun to beat herself up about not getting off at the previous station and just walking.

When she did arrive in Calais, it was late at night, the sun having long since been chased from the sky by the moon. Allowing her exhaustion to get the better from her, and with the knowledge England would likely be in a state of war or at least preparation, Sakura found herself booking a room in a bed and breakfast by the docks.

The young woman who ran the B&B was as friendly as one could be when they were on the night shift. Sakura had opted to quickly get the room key, and disappear off up to her room before she could be stopped.

The room itself was nice enough, but she was thankful she would be leaving the next day. With the plan to get up with the sun and catch the first ferry across the channel, she collapsed pretty quickly into her bed and passed out.


The following morning was spent trying to find the docks, boarding the boat, and eating breakfast onboard. After getting off the boat, she was quick to find a station and remained to wait until her train arrived.

Once again, the train to Kings Cross was as uninteresting as she had anticipated, and the train to Hogsmeade station even more so. But it was only after she got off the train that she realised the extent of the effect of the war. 

Having arrived late in the afternoon, she was expecting it to be night by the time she got to the village, but with their streetlamps off, and their curtains closed, the streets were pitch black. Hogsmeade, once a bustling little village, was nothing more than a ghost town now, haunted by death eaters and dementors.

The sound footsteps approaching her had never been more terrifying than it was at that moment. Turning quickly she drew a small blade and held it to the stranger's neck, "Sakura?" the voice whispered in surprise, "Harry?" she asked back after a moment's hesitation, withdrawing her blade slowly. 

"Yeah, where have you been?" the boy shot back at her, his green eyes gleaming now she'd taken a moment to look. "France. How is everyone?" the image of a blonde-haired boy came quickly to mind, but she brushed it off, who could blame her? He was an important person to her, of course, she was worried for him.

"Dunno, I haven't been back here myself in a while, Draco was alive last time I saw him, and Hermione and Ron are okay too, look there they are." He pointed behind him, his two friends giving her a hesitant wave. "Anyway, we've got to move fast, dunno when we'll next be attacked." Sakura nodded and the group set off once more.


Before long, the group found them in the house of a man claiming to be Dumbledore's brother. The elderly man had talked to a painting of a young girl before said young girl wandered off briefly.

"She's coming back" Hermione began

"Who's that with her?" tensions instantly rose in the room as the portrait began to open, revealing a dark tunnel and a beaten-up familiar face within. "Neville, oh you look--"

"Like hell, I reckon" the boy was quick to cut him off and finish his sentence as he clambered out the tunnel, "This is nothing, Seamus is worse. Hey Ab, we've got a couple more coming through." then he tilted his head, indicating that they should follow him.

"Don't remember this being on the marauders' map," Ron muttered as they followed Neville and his glowing wand. 

"That's because it never existed until now. Several secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year, this is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with death eaters and Dementors now."

"How bad is it with Snape as the headmaster?"

"Hardly ever see him, its the Carrows you need to watch out for."


"Yeah, brother and sister, in charge of discipline, they like punishment the Carrows," Neville replied, pointing to his bruised face as emphasis for his words. "They did that to you? Why?"

"Today's Dark arts lessons had us practising the cruciatus curse. On first years. I refused. A lot has changed."

"I hope no-ones too badly hurt, why isn't Madame Pomphrey healing you." Sakura asked, worry in her tone, "She disappeared when Hogwarts was taken over, we're not sure where she is, but the hospital wing is completely sealed off now, can't even go through the door. We've been making do with the muggle techniques that the muggle-borns knew, other than that..." he trailed off as they began to approach the end of the tunnel.

"Let's have a bit of fun shall we?" he grinned slightly before pushing open the portrait before him to reveal a large room of people and hammocks.

"Hey. Listen up you lot." he began, his voice drawing the attention of the others. "Brought you a surprise."

"No more Aberforth's cooking I hope, being surprised if we can digest it," Seamus said, his accent clear and familiar. Neville simply smirked at them before moving to one side to reveal their guests. Harry moving forwards at the clear hint.

"Blimey," Everyone's applause filled the room as they cheered in joy at the sight of the boy-who-lived. The group slowly clambering down the ladder to be greeted with hugs. 

Neville turned to the blonde boy next to him, "Get the word out to Remus and the others that Harry's back." the boy nodded before scampering off. 

"Okay okay, let's not kill him before you-know-who gets a chance," Neville said, pushing the others away from where they were suffocating him.

Sakura turned her attention then to the boy Neville had sent to their makeshift communicator. "DA calling do you read? We have a new weather report. Lightning has struck. I repeat lightning has struck."

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