Chapter 30

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The first few weeks of Weasley & Weasley opening caused the Hospital wing to be thrown into chaos. Students, the majority being Gryffindor, flocked to the infirmary in order to be treated for a variety of illnesses. 

See, whilst they did technically have the treatments, the product was still in the testing stage and so, neither the symptoms or the treatment were entirely reliable. Of course, this didn't really stop anyone from taking them, but most of the people who'd taken one didn't return to the hospital ward again. The lesson they had learnt had been a hard one, but a successful one.

The sudden increase in business causing Sakura to be overwhelmed with work, barely having time to herself. The pressure of making sure people were okay and turnover was quick, was really beginning to get to her.

Stuck on 20hr shifts was definitely the worst, she was only given those 4 hours to sleep and eat since Madame Pomphrey was worried about poor development due to her youth. That, and by the end of those shifts, Sakura was beginning to look extremely pale and sweaty, a symptom of chakra exhaustion and one Madame Pomphrey was beginning to get quite used to.

Overall, the 3 weeks of constant treatment for those who were ill were not entirely awful for Sakura. Of course, she couldn't help but wonder what was going on outside the medical quarters, but honestly, as long as those who she cared for were alright, she didn't really care all that much. 

And her hopes were proven right... Until the Saturday of the third week when an unnervingly familiar mop of blonde hair appeared in the infirmary. There was a ban on visitors to the infirmary due to the sheer lack of space, and also in order to discourage long stays. So the moment she saw that hair, she instantly thought the worst.


In all honesty, Draco had no idea what had possessed him to buy one of the Weasel's brother's sweets and he was really beginning to regret the decision. He'd probably done it as a heat-of-the-moment sort of thing, but the uncomfortable feeling he was experiencing now was giving him serious second thoughts. That feeling only amplifying when the treatment backfired on him.

Whilst it worked noticeably better than the original ones, the ratios were still incomplete and the Murtlap Essence was unable to completely neutralize the Fever Fudge. Walking briskly to the infirmary, Draco found his cheeks flushed at the sight of the busy room, and not from the fever caused by the sweet. This was so embarrassing.

Giving the approaching Sakura a shaky smirk, he was more than appreciative to let her assist him towards one of the beds. The pink-haired girl's eyes filled with worry and fear for Draco as she helped him.

The infirmary had recently stocked up on Murtlap Essence, Sakura having rushed out to the Great Lake during one of her breaks to collect as many of the ugly creatures as she could. That way, they were able to harvest a decent amount of the stuff. 

After taking the treatment, most of the students were cured well enough to leave within a few hours. But they kept them in the infirmary to fill out a form for the records, the sheer volume of students causing the medics to simply give them out like nobody's business before they would read over them when this was over.

Rushing over to the shelf, Sakura grabbed the large bottle of Murtlap Essence, slowly making her way past the beds of sick patients, handing the remedy out to those in need of it. Giving Draco a stern look as she made sure he took the medicine. 

Not that Draco cared much, he knew from Sakura's look that she didn't entirely mean the glare. In all honesty, it was quite clear that she was simply worried for him. Before she could leave to help the next patient, the blonde boy reached out, hand catching the sleeve of her red blouse. 

Draco watched as she turned back to him, gulping nervously, he hadn't really thought of what he was going to say. Deciding to improvise, he asked, "Are you okay, Sakura? You aren't looking well..."

Sakura's tired green eyes filled with warmth and friendliness as she simply smiled at him, "It's been a long few weeks. Hopefully, this will all be over soon and everything will be back to normal. I will have to give Fred and George a good talking to though, hopefully we'll be able to work out a proper cure for them, else this will get old very quickly." 

Draco watched in worry as the healer turned, frizzy pink-hair flying in the air behind her as she turned quickly. The girl stumbling slightly from exhaustion, something she cursed herself for, this new lifestyle turning her weak. Stuttering in her steps, an exhausted Sakura continued on her rounds. Only five more hours to go and she would be able to sleep again.


Draco was leaving the infirmary when Sakura came off duty, she had to finish early today, Madame Pomphrey extremely worried for the girl. The older woman having just come on duty an hour or two ago.

Silver eyes widening in horror as Sakura tripped, hands barely moving in time to catch herself. Without thinking, the boy found himself with his arm wrapped around the female's waist, holding her off of the ground. "Thanks, Draco," Sakura muttered, eyes barely managing to stay open.

Scowling, Draco tucked his arm around Sakura's waist, wrapping her own arm around his shoulder before he took her back to her own room. It felt rather odd, he'd never been one to help anyone else, as far as he cared, they didn't matter. 

But he couldn't help but worry for the pink-haired girl, not that he was even aware of that fact himself. In fact, every time he acted out of character, he found himself getting confused, much like how he was feeling now.

But the worry for Sakura was overpowering his personal confusion as he led her over to her bed. Turning her around quickly, he undid the apron the girl wore in an attempt to protect her clothes. The simplistic black fabric performing its job, stopping her clothes getting soiled by those who'd taken the puking pastel. Assisting her in taking off the ballet pumps on her feet, he guided her to her bed.

Gently helping the girl clamber into her bed, deeming her clothes decent enough to wear to sleep. She'd clearly chosen them for that reason, the soft black skater-style skirt and lose red blouse able to double up as sleepwear.

Tucking her under the covers, the boy walked briskly out of the room leaving behind only a sleeping Sakura, the girl smiling softly in her sleep.

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