Chapter 15

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On the 22nd August 1994, the 422nd Quidditch World Cup Finals were held in England. Madame Pomphrey, as a highly respected British medical witch had been requested to assist in helping out with the players' injuries. She was originally planning on turning down the role, but Sakura had just received her qualification and it came highly recommended that she take on something a bit different in order to become a better medic. It was because of this that the nurse was willing to take both herself and the pink-haired girl to help out.

They weren't expected to do too much, thankfully, they were charged only with caring for injured players. There was a workforce of over a hundred tasked with the general public's healthcare and wellbeing. However, she was one of the lucky-not-so-lucky 15 selected to specialise in looking after a quidditch player each with one left over as funeral supervisor. Her charge was Viktor Krum, the intention was that he was least likely to get injured. They weren't wrong either. His team was extremely protective over the young player and the amount of times Sakura came into contact with him were limited. However, many people found it weird that there was a 14-year-old medic looking after an 18-year-old. However due to her also being the youngest to ever receive a qualification, many critics were silenced. The first time the two crossed paths being the pre-match check-ups. 

Sakura had just arrived at the quidditch grounds, the stadium was already pretty full at this point. It wasn't like she was late or anything, in fact, she was rather early, it was just the check-ups for the Bulgarian team were to begin in 15 minutes, 8 minutes before the match began. The Ireland team were in 10 minutes due to the fact they were to go on the pitch first. Since it was a bad idea to have two teams in the same medical tent, they preferred to do it this way.

As she pushed through the crowds, she was shocked to bump into Draco Malfoy and his father having a discussion with Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys. She was honestly hoping to avoid attention from them, but with her pink-hair, it was unavoidable. "Hey Sakura! What are you doing here?" she winced at the sound of Ron's voice, did he have to be so loud? She was honestly tempted to ignore the boy, but felt guilty about the thought and turned around to listen. "I'm here to work, so if you'll excuse me, I must be going, I'm needed in the medical tents." she indicated her badge, the Bulgarian logo imprinted in the top of the badge, but she hoped it would remain unnoticed. Unfortunately for her, it didn't go unnoticed by the over-excited Ron. "Cool! Your working with the Bulgarian team! Does that mean you get to meet Viktor Krum?" Sakura instantly tensed before quickly replying, "Look, I've really got to go now. Have fun watching the match." she gave them a hesitant smile before turning and walking into the crowds, disappearing from sight. Ron groaned in annoyance, "I should have asked her to get Krum's signature!" he commented when he noticed his friends' confused looks, "I highly doubt she'd be allowed to." Hermione replied before dragging the pair off to their seats.

When Sakura appeared out of nowhere in the tent, she caused the people inside to jump in fright, giving them an apologetic smile, she walked over to the medic in charge of their tent and asked who she was working with, "You have Viktor Krum. He's over there." Thanking the woman, Sakura wandered over to the player. He was a big man who, from a visual assessment only, she'd assume he was just short of 6ft. Putting a smile on her face, she approached the man, "Good evening, Mr Krum. My name is Sakura Haruno and I'll be your medic for today so don't worry, you'll be in good hands. If you don't mind, I'm just going to make sure your in good health, so just relax for me please." She gave him a smile before gently pushing on his shoulders indicating she wanted him to lie down on the bed. Her hands then lit up and she held them about an inch above him before running them over his body. "You have no injuries and your bones are in good shape. Your cardiac and pulmory systems are working to an appropriate amount as well. That's good. You have my permission to play in the match today. Please return during the interval and at the end of the game for another check-up. Should you recieve an injury alert me immediately or as soon as possible. The sooner the better after all. Thank you, any questions?" hand hovering over his leg as she spoke, it flashed bright green before the light faded along with the slight pain he felt. She gave him a smile and waited a moement or two before bowing and flickering out of sight.

Krum stared at the spot in which the girl had been standing only moments before. She was certainly odd, and her accent as well as her appearance hinted at her being foreign. But there was one thing he knew for sure, she was definitely powerful and a very gifted in medicine. Smiling to himself, he sat up on his bed and stepped out the curtained off area. When he took his seat in the waiting area, he was rather surprised to see he was the first one there, the next not going to arrive for several minutes. As it would turn out, most medics had to run more specific tests, Sakura was the odd one out.

His check-up during the interval had similar results, his health was in good condition and his elevated heart-rate and breathing was to be expected. It wasn't until the final check-up did she pick up on an abnormally. "Were you bumped by one of the other players? It would appear that you have some bruising on you arm, its nothing serious, but will cause you some pain and would be best if not there. I'm just going to heal that for you, then your cleared to leave." her hands glowed green as she moved them over the top of the wounds on his arm. Krum watched in blatant curiosity as the bruises disappeared from sight, pain receding along with them. She then gave him a smile, "It was a pleasure working with you, any questions, if not goodbye." she was about to leave when Krum spoke, "Where do you normally work? Your an incredible medic, you should consider working full time as a Bulgarian healer." Sakura gave him a gentle smile.

"I'm currently studying under Madame Pomphrey at Hogwarts in Scotland. However, in a few years, I will probably be looking for a different place to work. When that happens, I might just consider your suggestion." she gave him a smile before wishing him goodbye and a swift recovery, Krum just managing to reply before she disappeared from sight. He then looked at where his bruise was previously, "Hogwarts you say?" he smirked before getting up and leaving the medical 'room'.

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