Chapter 9 | I Promish You

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Third Person's Point Of View

Hesitantly he dialled the number. But to his disappointment, it just kept ringing and finally, the call ended. I will try for the second and last time. If she won't pick up now then I will never call her again. Thinking so, he dialed her number again. While thinking of ending the call as again it just kept on ringing, he heard an irritated "hello!" from the receiver. The receiver answered the call at the last ring.

Finally, she answered the call. I thought she wouldn't receive it. But why is she sounding irritated? Isn't it me who should be irritated because of her not answering my calls? While thinking he forgot to answer her irritated greetings which made the receiver more irritated.

"Hello! Kon bolat ahe (who's this)?" She asked which brought him out of his thoughts. Clearing his throat he answered, "It's me."

It wasn't needed for him to tell her his name as those few minutes of conversation were enough for her to recognize his voice. She was taken aback by his call. She didn't think Nahush would call her. Not knowing what to reply to his 'It's me ', she just replied with, "Oh hi".

Her voice was calm. It didn't feel irritating like before. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Huh...? Yes, I'm fine." She said, assuming he asked her about her well-being.

"Okay, but I'm asking about your earlier mood." He said clearing the misunderstanding.

"Oh, that! What should I say now..." She started speaking with so much energy which made Nahush a little shocked because of her sudden mood change.

"You know Mumbai local train travel can sometimes be so irritating! These women I tell you, don't they have a little common sense that they should let the passengers get out of the train first and then they can get inside?! But NO! They don't even let the train stop and start entering the train without even letting the passengers get out of it. Because of them, all mess is created!"

"Just imagine they made such a quiet, peacekeeping girl like me angry! I always let it go but today it crossed my tolerance level. There were so many passengers who were supposed to get down, I was standing somewhere in the middle of the crowd. The train didn't even stop completely and those crazy ladies started entering the train. There was a 4-5 year boy in the crowd but they didn't even consider him. Because of those stupid ladies, passengers who were supposed to get out of the train were pushed back. That's it! I shouted loudly on top of my voice, "Let us get out! Don't you have this much sense to let people out first? Back off! Right now!" I shouted so loudly that almost everyone started looking at me, even in that mess! After me, even outer women followed and started scolding them the same as me. We all put so much force that they had to back off and we all finally came out of the train. Till the time we all got out, the train started and only a few ladies got to enter the train. Ladies who were there with me started saying that these ladies were mad, couldn't they wait to let passengers out, it's good that they didn't get the train, etc. If they had let us out first then they all would have easily entered the train but why would they do that, right?! Well, they deserve it."

She answered the question he asked while breathing heavily, fuming with anger and frustration.

Nahush didn't think he would receive such a big answer- no, actually a report to his simple question. He just kept listening to her story cum complaint.

She talks so much! So she even gets angry. Hmm, nice. If only I could see her now. I'm sure she must be looking so beautiful! He thought. He remembered Noor, Mallika's sister said during their engagement ceremony that Mallika Di is a very calm girl. She doesn't get angry at anyone but if she ever gets angry then there must be a big reason for it. She even said that people think that she is a very quiet girl but in reality, she speaks a lot but only with the people she is very close and comfortable with.

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