Suri & The members

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Woojin; Big brother//little sister *A/N: because this is getting annoying!! I wrote this before the woojin situation and after what happened and the rumours that came out whether they're true or not, but I stopped writing about him completely so people need to understand that I wrote this WAY BEFORE the situation even happened and I literally can't change almost 200 chps! If some of u feel awkward reading about him I'm sorry, but u also need to understand that I can't change all of this, he was a really big part of the book until what happened then he disappeared completely! Look at my publishing dates before judging and sending me hate or bashing me for mentioning him. Thank you.*

When she first joined SK, she was really quite and almost didn't talk to half of the member, but Woojin was there with open arms for her. He always talked to her and helped her with her singing lessons. He always has her back and can literally fight anyone for her. Woojin doesn't actually see her as a member, but as a little sister and he makes sure to say that every single interview or VLive they have. Suri also listen to Woojin the most, since he's the eldest in the group she makes sure to respect him all the time. She also makes sure to remind him that he has her shoulder to lean on any time he wants, no matter what the situation is.

Chan; Father//Daughter

Most people think that Chan could be in love with Suri, because of how he looks at her or how he treats her and gives her all his attention, but for Chan, Suri is his baby girl. The one he needs to give all his love to and protect from everything and anything. He may get a little overprotective and that annoys Suri most of the times, but she knows how much she means to Chan and actually its not really different for her; she adores Chan more than anything after all he was the one who gave her the chance to debut, but not only that, but he welcomed her when she first joined JYP and he took care of her like it was his own job to be with her 24/7. Suri takes Chan as her role model and wishes she could be as successful as he his one day.

Minho; She's his parrot

That's the best way I can explain this actually. Suri finds everything Minho does funny and she literally copies everything he does. She acts just like him and talk just like him and Minho can't help but find this more than adorable. He finds it really enjoyable to watch her try her best to act like him. At one time Minho had a really strong crush on her, but pushed his feelings back for the sake of the group, but Minho loves attention and Suri is the best at giving him attention and maybe that's why he's so attracted to her.

Changbin; Best friends

Suri was really close to 3racha before even stray kids was formed, due to her strong friendship with Chan. Changbin thinks that Suri's positive personality and happy self are what keeps his day going. He can't continue his day without having a small talk with her on their mornings, even if he  to go somewhere with 3racha, he makes sure to call her when he wakes up so they can talk about anything. You can always find them having the weirdest conversations at 7:00AM and the members always stay away from them when they do that because they can both get really serious about the dumbest shit. Like one time Felix woke up at 6:45AM to them talking about Chan getting bald soon.

Hyunjin; Not that close yet

Out of the 9 members, Hyunjin is the only one that finds having Suri extremely difficult. He still doesn't get the idea of her joining and that is giving all 10 members a really hard time. No one can leave them on their own for more than 5 minutes, because they will either fight or kill each other and everyone probably doesn't want both to happen. Suri really admired Hyunjin's dancing skills in the beginning. Everyone is trying their best to make things better between them so it won't affect the group that much.

Jisung; Mother//Son

Not that Suri really likes this, but Jisung loves Suri and he loves being babied so he forces her to baby him no matter what. Even tho he's like a few days younger, he still finds any excuse for her to baby him and give him her attention. They are watching a movie? He either makes her cuddle him or put his head on her lap and make her play with his hair. They are eating? He makes her feed him. They are going out somewhere? He'll go where ever she goes. But that's not the only side Jisung shows to her, because you know how the son always protects their mother and care for her and make sure she's always happy? That's how Jisung treat Suri all the time, even tho he acts like her baby, you still find him standing in front of her when they see someone she doesn't like. You still find him looking over at her at every fanmeeting just in case. You still find him holding her hand when they go through any crowd and as much as he annoys her with his baby self, she still loves him to death.

Felix; Best friends #2

Felix, Suri and Changbin are the gold trio of the group, but Suri and Felix's relationship is way different. When Felix first joined the Ent not too long after Suri; she did the same thing Chan did with her to Felix and that's why he really loves her. None of them ever mentioned this to Felix before, but if it wasn't for Suri, JYP wouldn't have returned him to SK as he thought that his korean still needed to get better. Felix can talk to Suri about anything and she won't even think about judging him, but he still judges her early morning conversations with Changbin or maybe he's just jealous of them.

Seungmin; Twins

They say the same thing at the same time, they complete each other sentences, they judge the members together, they insult the members together, they go out at 3:00AM only to get away from the others, because "They're not as cool as them", They jam to day6 at 5:00AM, waking up the whole dorm. The members really think that they're soulmates or long lost twins and they defiantly agree.

Jeongin; Big sister//Little brother

Jeongin really loves Suri and can do anything for her. He never found someone that takes care of him and protects him like Suri does. He can only listen to her, not because he doesn't respect the other members, but because he knows that whatever Suri says is right for him. He finds it really awkward with Suri and Hyunjin always fighting since he's extremely close to both of them so he always search for ways to get them to accept each other. Suri really loves Jeongin and think of him as the baby brother she never had.

9th member; of Stray KidsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt