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A/N: I chapter that I just realized that I never wrote. 


"Hi, Its Jeno right?" 

"Yes, Who's with me?" 

"Minho." Jeno was more than confused that out of everyone Minho just called him out of the nowhere. "Can we meet up? Somewhere private? Alone?" Jeno got more confused and worried, but he decided that he wasn't planning to be rude, after all what happened between him and Suri wasn't his fault. He thought.  

"I guess, Yeah. Where?" 


"I must have surprised you." Jeno sent Minho a smile back as he shook his head, both of them had masks and caps on to make sure that no one will be able to recognize them. 

"Its okay." Jeno wasn't really sure what to say. Him and Minho were never that close and they never talked. He was almost close to all the boys except him, So sitting here all alone with Minho confused him.

"How do I start this. I really can't believe that the first time we talk is going to be about this." Jeno just sat there, not saying anything. Trying his best to understand whatever Minho was trying to say, but he was just confusing him more. 

"Let me start from the very beginning. The first day I saw Suri. We were all in the practining room waiting for Felix to bring the girl who was going to join our group, and he was really late so I was about to go look for them and the moment I opened the door I saw her. It was really weird, I was confused, She looked scared, worried and really innocent that day. Everything started that day. I got eliminated, and she was there. She did everything for me, just so I can debut with her, just like we promised. She always wanted my opinion in anything she did. From her outfits and what to eat to the new choreography she created and family problems. Every single smile made me film as if we had something special. Every single time she was around me made me feel as if I'm the most important guy in the whole world. Even the I love you's we used to say made me feel as if there was something between us, I knew she saw me as brother, but I was in love. So in love that I even told my mom all about her, I made her meet my friends and family. And the day I thought that she may be having some kind of feelings for me, I scared her away. I rushed into everything, I confused her and I really did. Everything started to go down from here and just my luck, you came." 

Minho took a big sigh, not looking at Jeno the whole time, but he was more than sure that the guy wasn't really enjoying this. How would like it if girlfriend's best friend told you about his ending love for her. "I'm sure you this by now, I was really jealous. I didn't the fact that you just made her yours in a few months, while I was trying to do it for years. So I-" Minho looked at Jeno, and noticed how the guy was finding it really hard to breath normally and it made him feel really bad that he had to say all of this, he felt bad that he did all of this. 

"I paid people, to expose your relationship-"

"You didn't-" Jeno didn't want to hear more. He already heard way too much, but Minho wanted to get everything out of his chest.  And now Jeno was regretting all the time he wanted to blame Suri for everything.

"I thought you were going to get hate and the companies were going to make you break up, but everyone loved your relationship. I was made, really made. So I created the cheating rumors, I paid a girl who looked like Suri to break you guys up. You broke up, but she left. I thought I was going to be her superhero and I was going to be beside her after the break up and stuff, but everything was ruined. The hate was too much. Because of me all of this happened. You broke up with Suri, She had to stop doing what she loves the most because of me, and yes even if its just a break and she'll come back, nothing will be the same." 

"What did she ever do to you? Jeno kept his eyes on Minho, watching every move he makes. "She's your fucking best friend. How did you even think of all of this? What did she ever do to you?" 

"I don't know. I really don't and I wish I never did what I did. I know I can't change anything now, but I'd do anything in this world to make sure that she's happy again. Even if that is not with me, Jeno. So please talk to her, she did nothing wrong. She really needs you. All I want is your forgiveness and for Suri to be happy again. Please don't break her more than she already is. She's broken now, because of me. I'm really sorry for everything Jeno. I really am." 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now