Kicked out; P2

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"What you did was so fucked up. I can't even believe you thought about this." Chan whispered, yelled. Felix and Jeongin had their heads down as they were definitely not happy with what they did. Specially Felix, after everything him and Minho had to go through, he thought about making him go through all of this again. "This is not how things should go-"

"He fucked up too, Chan. He's not getting what he deserves." Jisung said sharply, causing Seungmin to shake his head disappointingly. He really didn't know what was going on with them, because he thought that if they did care about Suri, then they would have told her already.

"This is not how we should be fixing this, guys. What you're doing is worst than what he did. You're overreacting everyth-" 

"Overreacting? Overreacting, Seungmin? He still even doesn't want to tell her." Changbin complained.

"Well we did too. He's fixing what he did, slowly. He talked with Jeno, and Jeno talked to to Suri and everything is okay between them. He made this girl say the whole truth to the whole world. Give him time, that's what he needs." 

"He's using her kindness with him, Chan." 

"He's not Jisung, he's trying to stay away from her as much as possible, but she wants him to be around her all the time, and he's not even happy about this, it makes him feel guiltier, he's just scared to face her, but we all make fucking mistakes. We're all okay with Hyunjin, even after all he did to her when she first joined the group." 

"I literally made her blackout, I bullied her, I broke her phone on purpose, I didn't want her to debut and I went as far as making her look bad in front of JYP. I was really mean to her, but when I said sorry you all were okay with it. Why can't you accept that Minho is trying too?" Hyunjin  sighed as his eyes turned to Jeongin, noticing how he was now crying. 

"Kicking him out of the group in not the answer. We can't make him go through this again, none of us is leaving this group. We already lost one, I'm not planning to lose more of you." 


3 hours later

"Suri just called me." Hyunjin ran downstairs, fear all over his face causing the others to look at him worriedly. "Minho is in the hospital." Everyone got up, quickly leaving the house to go the hospital. 

The second they entered the hospital, they ran to where Suri told them she was at, on the 3rd floor. Everyone was panicking, scared that something bad might have happened to him. They all got out of the elevator, looking around them, until Felix spotted Suri with their manager, crying. 

"Suri." They all ran over to her. "What happened?" Chan asked, as crouched down in front of the girl. 

"I went to our practice room and he was still practising, he looked really pale, I was extremely worried, so I convinced him after a while that we should leave so he could eat something, the elevator wasn't working so we had to use the stairs, He became really unsteady and shaky suddenly and then he passed out, I couldn't catch him, and he fell on the stairs and hit his head, then he kept bleeding, and-" Suri sobbed out her words, but Chan stopped her, pulling her into his arms, trying to stop her shaking form. 

"He has been inside there for almost an hour." Changbin nodded, worriedly at the manager. 

"He's going to be okay." Felix rubbed Suri's back as she was still in Chan's arms.

After almost another hour, the doctor came out of the room with a small smile. "He's fine, We were waiting for him to wake up, to make sure that he's okay. Thankfully there wasn't any internal bleeding, and also thankfully there's any serious harm. What happened to him, can be due to a lot of things, his body seemed so weak, so it's probably from hunger, not being hydrated well, it can also be from pain or stress. Take care of him, He doesn't need much medicines though, I'm going to write everything for you and just make sure he eats and drinks well and not overwork himself. you guys can go see him now. " The boys looked between each other, and then nodded slowly at the doctor. EunTae told the others to enter the room then followed them after the doctor left. 

"Are you okay?" Seungmin walked to him, helping him sit down. Minho nodded slowly, but groaned as he moved his head. 

"Don't move much." EunTae said, as he put a pillow behind his head. "You were not eating or drinking enough water, Minho. Plus you were stressing yourself and overworking. You need to rest." Minho sighed and nodded again. "I'm going to have a quick talk with the doctor and get you something to eat." The manager left the members on their own and not 2 minutes later, everything was a mess again.

Jisung made a quick eye contact with Minho, before he turned to leave the room, but Chan stopped him. "Where are you going?" 

"I don't want to be here, he looks fine." Jisung said, pulling his wrist away from Chan's grip. 


"Can you stop acting like a kid?" Suri burst out, angrily causing everyone to look at her. Jisung chuckled at what she said and fired back.

"Well, can you stop being like this with him, he doesn't deserve your kindness." Jisung walked over to her angrily, pointing a finger at her. "He doesn't deserve this worry." 

"Its none of your business, Jisung." 

"Guys-" Hyunjin tried to stop the two, as he tried to pull Suri away from Jisung, but he was pushed away by Jisung, himself, if Suri deserved to know then its now. That's what he thought.

"You don't even know anything, nothing at all." 

"Well guess what? I fucking know everything, and you're turning this worst than it already is." 

"What?" The whole room now was looking between Minho and Suri. The guy tried to get up from his bed, but he was pushed back down by Seungmin, calmly. "What do you mean, you know everything?" 

Jisung was frozen in his place too, the whole room just stood there waiting for Suri to explain anything.

"I know what you did, Minho. I know." 

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