I'm home

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A/N: So here's a funny joke, I totally forgot that Suri's Korean name is SunHwa and I'm laughing so hard now, because damn why did I forget about this and why am I so stupid. So just to remind you guys Suri's Korean name is SunHwa. I'm thinking about using it or something

"Did you pack everything?" Woojin helped Suri put her bags inside the car, while EunTae their manager was getting some more stuff from inside the house. 

"I guess, yeah. Even if I forgot something you're a 30 minutes drive away." Woojin pulled the younger girl into a hug, smiling widely. 

"I hope you can come stay with me more, not only when you want to stay away from the other assholes okay?" Suri chuckled, hugging him tighter. 

"You should come visit us soon, but I'll make sure to get the others and come to see you every once in a while." 

"Mhmm, Can't wait. Text me when you arrive back home." Suri nodded happily when she pulled away from Woojin. 

"Let's go, Su." EunTae gave Woojin a quick hug and then opened the door for Suri, then walked over to his seat. 

"Bye, Woo." Suri waved at Woojin, as he slowly started to disappear from her sight as the car moved. "So, How have you been?" 

"I've been doing great, Su. Finally you're back. I guess that was the longest break you took." Suri nodded quickly, pulling the small ball that their manager had in the car for some unknown reason. 

"Yeah, but the boys had some stages without me though."

"It doesn't matter, you have a music video to film in a few days, we'll tell you when exactly."  

"We do?" Suri clapped excitedly, as she couldn't wait to film MV's again, or record again or be back on stage again. Its been a while since she did any of this and she can't wait to finally be able to do all of it again. 

"Mhmm, you'll have a really busy week." 

"How's everything with the boys?" Suri couldn't help, but ask knowing that he may or may not tell her something helpful. 

"I don't want to worry you or anything, Su, but they've been acting really weird lately and I'm trying my best to believe that they just miss you. I know that something bad happened between them and its your job to fix it." 

"Yay, great." Suri rolled her eyes, and now she was really confused and she was going to find it really hard to face the boys and act as if they weren't really suspicious or as if nothing is wrong, and she knows that if something bad happened between them, they will never tell her, at least not now. 


"And here we are, back home." EunTae parked the car right in front of the house and before they could even get out of the car, the door already opened and Chan was grinning at Suri with opened arms. The girl got out of the car, almost falling down with how clumsy she was doing everything and ran to the boy who was laughing at her. She jumped right into his arms and he picked her up, both of their laughs probably waking up all the neighbours. 

"I can't believe you're back home." 

"I'm back home, Chris." Chan had to put the girl down, to go help their manager with the bags. He gave her a small forehead kiss, before running to the manager. 

"Lee SunHwa." "Lee Yongbok" The smile Felix had on his face made Suri happier than she already was. He truly missed her, he missed her more than anyone in this house. Suri always had a special place in his heart that no one can replace, and he was hurting knowing that he couldn't help her just like she did with him.

"How have my favorite Aussie been?" 


"I thought I was your favorite." Chan jokingly said, as he walked with two bags in his hands, bumping into the two who were still hugging on his way inside the house. 

"I missed you." Suri and Felix pulled away smiling widely at each other. He pulled her inside the house, both of them giggling at Chan struggling with her bags, but not planning to help him. "RIANNON IS HERE." 

And just like that it was like some kids finally meeting their mother after a long time, Suri couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter as the boys crushed her into a hug, squeezing her between them. 

"Okay, I can't breathe." Suri tried to speak, but she was definitely crushed between Changbin, Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin. "I'm seriously thinking about returning back to Chicago, now." Suri laughed again as the four pulled away, now giving her space to breathe. Each of them now took turns into hugging her. 

"Chicago my ass." Suri smacked Seungmin's hands away from her, causing him to chuckle at her and luckily the others didn't hear as Changbin just hugged her without saying anything. 

"How have you been, Shortie ?" Changbin smiled down at the girl as they pulled away. 

"I'm great." Suri looked at Jeongin who was just standing there smiling at her, and she couldn't be notice the small blush on his face. It was out of happiness, he couldn't believe that she was back home to them again and he can't wait to have her in the room with him again, he was so done with sleeping on his own or with Hyunjin. "Hey Innie." He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he ran into her opened arms. 

"I missed you, Su." "I missed you too, Innie." And after pulling away, Jisung was left for her to hug. Suri was able to see that the smile he had on his face didn't reach his eyes. He had a sad smile on his face and Suri was able to recognize it. She was always able to see everything he felt just from his eyes, and the eye contact they made was able to prove to Suri that Jisung wasn't alright. 

"Hey." She said almost, whispered as she walked over to him. 

"Hello." Suri almost didn't hear his whisper, as he pulled into a hug and it felt as if he really needed that hug. Suri tightened her arms around him, rubbing his back as they gently rocked side to side. "You're back." 

"I'm back, Sung." Suri wiped the tears that were falling from Jisung's eyes and gave him a small sad smile. 

"Hey, don't get that emotional. Where's Hyunjin by the way?" 

"Yes, I miss him, haven't seen him in a while." Suri nodded at Chan, as she tried her best to act as if she didn't see him every single day. She sent Seungmin a glare the second he let out a chuckle. 

"I'm here. Oh Look, Riannon is back. Yay!" He jokingly said, as he pulled her into a hug. "I didn't miss you though." He whispered to her, causing her to push him away. 

"Go away." The others laughed, and Suri noticed that something was off, someone was missing. She looked around her and she wasn't able to see him. "Where's Minho?" She noticed the silence, she wasn't stupid. 

"Where's he? I missed him." She chuckled, as she looked at the others weirdly. 

"In his room." Seungmin said, causing the others to look at him. 

"Doesn't he know that I arrived? I'm going to him. Chris, can you get the bags to my room? I love you." Suri didn't wait for the others to even say anything as she was already on her way to Minho's room. 

"Are we really going to let her go up there?" Felix asked, looking at everyone. 

"Oh come one, he's not going to kill her. Grow up." Seungmin said, walking to Suri's bags to get them to her room. 

"Oh really? Why can't he grow-" 

"We're not doing this now. Suri is back, and I don't want to see a single fight. Am I clear?" Chan walked over to the bags to help Seungmin, wishing for all of this to be over.

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