If I'm being honest

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Suri was getting a lot of attention recently and as much as the members were proud of her, but they were still worried. She had to face a lot of trouble doing everything on her own, and its not like she can't take care of herself, but they were sure that deep down there she wasn't as happy as she acted. 

They all gathered around the radio, listening to her live interview that she was requested for on her own and trust me when I say it again, they were more than proud of her, but days like this they wish nothing but to be with her.

''And were we have the Stray kids' princess with us today, please welcome SK's Lee Suri.'' They 8 boys couldn't help but smile the second they heard her voice, it was really cheerful and didn't mean any harm, but they could tell that the interviewers voice didn't sound the same. 

"So of course since you're the only female in a group full of boys, this question must be asked. How does it feel being the only girl debuting with only boys, travelling with only boys, literally living your whole like with them. How does it feel?" As far the boys could tell that the question was really pure and didn't mean anything else. They kept listening to their girl's voice, trying to ignore the weirdness in their hearts. 

Suri let out a small laugh as she answered the question, even though she wasn't feeling as comfortable with the interviewer. "Well yes its hard, but thankfully the boys make it a lot easy for me. Like we thought about it a lot before the debut, we practiced a lot and we had a lot of our ups and downs I'm not going to lie. Sometimes I couldn't take everything that was going around me, but the boys were beside me to get me through the way." 

"Mhm, and how's your life with them? Like you know they're boys and you're a girl. So how is it?" 

"That's another part were I should be thanking the boys for, Like they try their best to make me comfortable with everything around us. They give me time if I want time with anything, they give me my space and they're never awkward with anything that I face as a girl. They're truly helpful and they respect that I'm a bit different when it comes to some stuff." They boys laughed a bit, listening to everything that Suri was saying. Throwing comments here and there.

"Yes, We give her a lot of time in bathroom." Jisung said loudly as if anyone other than the boys will be able to hear him. They boys laughed a bit, listening to everything that Suri was saying. throwing comments here and there. 

"But do you feel like it would've been better or umm- how do I say this, like a bit comfortable if you debuted with girls?-"

"No, no-" Suri tried to cut the host off, laughing but she had other plans as she kept talking in the same serious tone, causing  not only Suri, but the boys to listen to her carefully. 

"Like girls understand you more than boys. They know how you feel better and they know what to do at sometimes, not like boys. So it doesn't really make sense to debut in all boys group, if I'm being honest with you." Suri didn't say anything, causing the boys to frown thinking that the words may have affected her or something, but she was only thinking. She was thinking of the best way to shut the girl in front of her down

"If I'm being honest with you, it doesn't make sense to debut with the same gender as you." Suri laughed a little trying her best not to sound rude as she continued, "Like here I'm, I debuted with amazing guys that take care of me and understand me without me saying a word, and I'm sure if I debuted with 100 girls it would not have been as half best as how I'm with my boys. Its the connection you know, not the gender. Also I do have girl-friends that I spend way to much time with them, but still no one will ever be able to replace a leader like Chris, or a great supporter like Lee Know or a weird friend like Changbin or a great dancer like Hyunjin or an Aussie like Felix, or a great listener like Jisung or a twin like Seungmin or a baby brother like I.N. So I'm more than thankful for the boys and I'll will never ever think about leaving them for any girl group. Even if I got the best offers from other companies, but trust me the boys are replaceable." 

It was not only the interviewer who was shocked, but the other 8 boys who couldn't remove the smiles from their faces. They knew that their girl was the strongest one out there that can take care of herself no matter what.  Even if they were not with her. 

"So you're happy with Stray kids." The host asked, still trying to get any bad words from Suri. 

"I'm more than happy with Stray kids, its also not just a group that I debuted with, they're brothers to me. Also I'd like to thank JYP for trusting me." Suri laughed as she looked at her manager who was also laughing at what she just said, and she was sure that also the boys laughed at this. 

"Hey she's thanking JYP, but not us." Jisung complained again, getting smacked in the head from Hyunjin. 

"She just said a whole speech about us, let her thank the man." He said, causing the other boys to give him a look. "Shut up." He said quickly as he saw how they're looking at him.

"We didn't say anything, but okay." Changbin said, with a small smirk on his face as she turned back to the radio. 

"Well thank you Suri, for being with us today." The interviewer said, sending Suri a small smile. Suri returned the smile and nodded at her.

"Thank you for having me, and of course thank you Stay-Bananas for loving me and giving me all the support. I promise to always make you proud." 

Suri left with her manager, who kept praising her for what she said and did in the interview as they were on their way home. They had a small chat and then everything was silent until they reached the dorm. Suri said her goodbyes to her manager as she went to the door. He waited until she was inside and then left. 

Suri couldn't find anyone the moment she arrived inside-

"Yo- Boys where are you?" Soon Jeongin came from upstairs, smiling brightly at her. He ran over to hug her, causing her to smile back at him. "Hello to you too, Innie." 

"Come upstairs, we have a surprise for you." He pulled her upstairs to their room, still with a big smile on his face. As soon as she entered she saw all the boys with a lot of pillows, food and they even brought the TV to the room. 

"What the hell is going on?" She asked, laughing slightly as Chris came over to her with one of her favourite PJ's with the biggest simle on his face. 

"Go change, we're waiting." She couldn't help but hug him.  

"Quickly, the food is going to be cold. Also I'm going to start the movie." Jisung complained for the 16th time this day, getting the same smack from Hyunjin. 

"We're watching Frozen." Suri yelled as she ran to the bathroom to change. 

"What? No-" And before Jisung could continue, he was already hit by the other 7 boys. They all kept laughing, knowing that no matter what they're with each other. 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now