Bye Bye

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What was he regretting now? Talking to MyunHee after everything she did to him when he was still a trainee? Not believing his best friend, even though he knew pretty well that he only wanted his happiness? Treating his best friends like shit, and ignoring them, specially the ones he loved the most? Getting back with a toxic ex? Letting her use him as much as she wanted, while knowing pretty well that she never loved him? Not really loving her, but staying with her so his friends won't annoy him with all the 'We told you so' shit? Maybe dating her while he was deeply in love with another woman, who was in front of him all the time? Maybe ignoring the girl he really loved, so he can be with another? Oh, maybe giving her mixed signs so she won't rest at all? Or maybe cheating on his girlfriend that he didn't really love? Maybe making the girl he loved cry, because he decided to be an ass and kiss her out of the no where? 

He doesn't even know anymore. Hyunjin doesn't even know how things turned to be like this, he thought that he knew what he was doing. He thought that he didn't need Seungmin to tell him what to do, so he can be okay. He thought that ignoring Suri would bring her to him, not making her fall in love with Jisung. 

He doesn't even know why things between her and him were always like that. When they first met, he treated her like shit, and when he decided to he a little nice to her, she started treating him like shit, so they both were always annoying each other, and when finally things between them gets better, Minho was there and then Jeno was there, and when the both weren't in the picture anymore, MyunHee came and he let her ruin everything between them and there's also Jisung. Why things were always against them. Why can't they just be together like any normal couple. 

When things between Minho and Suri weren't the best and he saw how broken Suri was because of them, he promised himself, not to be like Minho, not to hurt her just like he did, but her he is, letting her tears fall. What was so different between him and Minho or Jeno. They all made her cry after all. 

"Hey babe, can you give me some dollars I need to go shopping." 

"I'm not your freaking bank, MyunHee." The girl was confused, he never refused to give her money, and maybe that was why she was dating him after all. 

"Since when?" Hyunjin got up from his sitting position on the couch, walking over to the girl standing in front him, and now he was only noticing her true colors. 

"Since the first day we met, MyunHee. Can you even tell me why you got back with me? You don't even like me, you were just doing that for the money, and the fame." 

"What? Seungmin finally got inside your head!" MyunHee crossed her arms in front her chest. 

"No, you finally got out of my head. I was the dumbest human being, to even thing that you love me. You never did, you just wanted to- You- I'm even disgusted to look at you now." Hyunjin let out a shaky breath, realising how much he fucked up. He wasn't sure why was he just realising all of this now. 

"What? Is it because of that little whore-" 

"Don't you fucking dare. Don't MyunHee. She's way better than you, She's not like you, don't even think about saying one bad word about her. The whole freaking world know that Suri is the best person, the most loving and the most beautiful human being. She's so pure and she never, ever wants to hurt even a small fly. She wants nothing but our happiness, and when it comes to us, I don't even remember when we put her first, maybe that's why Jisung really won her heart, because he's always putting her first, he's treating her just like how she should be treated, and as much as I wanted that to be me, as much as I wanted to be the person to give her all the love and care, I don't mind if she chose Jisung over me, because he gave her what I couldn't give her. Who do you even care about? Or what do you care about? Other that money. My money. I regret every fucking second with you MyunHee, I regret it all. I want you out of my life, I want to forget every second with you. Don't you fucking dare come back to me. I realised what I was doing way too late." 

Hyunjin knows that the girl in front of him, doesn't even remember one word from what he said, he wasn't even affected by anything. She just rolled her eyes and him and for the first time in months, Hyunjin wasn't regretting what he was doing. "Okay, bye bye! You can leave now." 

Hyunjin let out a chuckle, letting out a breath that he didn't know that he was holding. He was happy, really happy that he was free. He doesn't even remember why he was with her in the first place. 

9th member; of Stray KidsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora