Home alone.

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"Hi." Hyunjin said sleepily as he saw Suri on the couch watching some weird show of her favourites. Suri gave him a small wave as she was way to focused on the show in front of her. 

Hyunjin walked to the kitchen to search for some food, but he couldn't see anything. He opened the fridge three times and every single time he got surprised that there wasn't any leftovers, which means he'll have to cook. He sighed as he was 100% sure that he can't cook ramen to save his life. He left the kitchen to look for Chan or Seungmin to make them cook him something, but he decided to ask Suri since he wasn't planning to still look for them.

"They're not home." Hyunjin looked at the girl longer, then asked her again as if he didn't understand what she said. 

"Where is Chan and Seungmin?" 

"Hyunjin, no one is home. They all left half an hour ago." Hyunjin stood there, the sleepiness still in his body. It took him a while to understand that its only him and Suri in the house and his face turned into a bright red tomato. Suri just watched his face change to more than one expression as he didn't say anything. 

"Why the long face?" She asked, but Hyunjin was in his own little world. 

I'm hungry, no one is in the house except me and Suri. 

She is watching some shitty show about dogs, why is she watching this stuff? 

I forgot my bottle in the studio, Jisung probably drank from it. 

What is she wearing? Is that my hoodie? oh its Felix's. 

Is it morning or is it night? 

was it my turn to wash the dishes? 

I'm still hungry though. 

"Hyunjin, are you still sleeping?" He looked quickly at the girl on the couch and nodded, then quickly shook his head. Suri couldn't help, but laugh at how weird he was. She kept looking at him waiting for him to say anything. 

He had two options, either order some food or wait for Seungmin and Chan to get back home to cook him some food. No, of course asking Suri to cook for him wasn't an option. He was too deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice his stomach growling, but Suri did and she kind of put two and two together. 

He went to the kitchen, he asked for Chan and Seungmin, he probably can't find any food, he's way too shy to ask her to cook for him and he's probably really hungry. Suri didn't want to make this awkward for him so she casually got up and looked at his still confused, pouty face. 

"I'm going to make food, I'm really hungry. Want me to make you something too, I'm already going to be in the kitchen." Hyunjin looked at Suri and was confused if she could read his mind or something. 

Maybe she can, maybe she can read minds.

Hyunjin just nodded at Suri slowly as he was still half asleep, half confused. Suri couldn't help but smile slowly at him. "What do you want to eat?" She asked walking to the kitchen with Hyunjin following her, she was going to make him food so of course he wasn't just going to leave her alone. 

"I don't know." Suri wasn't hungry, she already ate, but she lied to make him the food he wants, but she couldn't think of any food. Then it hit her, Hyunjin once said he loved the pasta that she makes. So she turned to him, watching how he slowly sat on the counter's chair. 

"Would you like If I made you my special pasta? Its not going to take that long." 

She can read minds.

Hyunjin nodded quickly at her, still not used to being alone with her. Yes everything was a bit okay between them now, yes they hang out and talk, but whenever someone is around with them, specially Jeongin. The three of them started to hang out a lot, because of Jeongin who was dying to get the two of them to be in the same room without killing each other, but they were never alone. 

"Drink some juice." Suri gave him some of his favourite juice as she was waiting for the water to boil. 

"Thank you." Hyunjin said quietly, watching how she was smoothly cutting the ingredients. 

"What are you going to eat?" He asked her as he noticed she wasn't making much food, just enough for him. Suri froze for a second thinking of something, trying her best to make him comfortable around her. "I'm going to eat some of the cake that Seungmin made." Hyunjin nodded at her as he continued watching her. Hyunjin noticed how he was staring and his face turned again bright red catching Suri's attention. 

"Hyunjin are you okay, your face is really red." Suri put the back of her hand on Hyunjin forehead, but he quickly shook his head at her. 

"I'm fine, I'm great." He gave her a quick fake smile, pushing her hand away slowly. Suri just nodded slowly still unsure, but turned to the food that she was making for him.


"Do you think they killed each other?" Jisung asked Changbin as they arrived home after leaving Hyunjin and Suri alone for nearly 4 hour. 

"Don't be dramatic." Changbin opened the door with his keys, and started looking for the two. "Jisung, you can be dramatic again." He said as he watched Suri and Hyunjin on the couch watching one of Suri's weird shows while eating popcorn from the same bowl, laughing at how the dog got scared of the small rat. 

"Oh its my pleasure." Jisung slowly got his phone out to take some picture's before they notice that someone finally got back home.  

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