He's okay

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A/N: Smile Flower by Seventeen played when I started writing and I cried, sgajhshsbj  I'm sorrryy.

"Doctor I don't get it. He has been inside there for almost 5 hours now!" Mr.Seo stopped the doctor the second he got out of the room. No one was giving them any information and it wasn't helping at all. 

"I'm sorry it took us so long. I'm sorry to tell you this, but the patient fell into a coma. The accident really affected his brain. He's under a ventilator too, his muscles were accepted too so it was nearly impossible for him to breath on his own too. His left arm is broken, no serious damaged happened to his legs. The earlier he wakes up the better for him, so you have to be strong for him until he wakes up. I truly apologise for this. Excuse me." 

The darkness came again. Each of them fell into darkness, that they didn't even notice Changbin's mom fainting on the floor beside her husband, Changbin's dad. Chan's legs couldn't hold him anymore, he fell on one of the chairs. Changbin will be alright, why is he like this, nothing is going to happen to his Changbin. 

Minho wasn't sure he heard it right, or he was just imagining. The doctor meant that Changbin was okay and they could go see him now, right? He wanted to laugh, but the joke wasn't funny. The doctor was joking of course. Of course Changbin is awake inside the room.  

Hyunjin was waiting for Changbin to get out of the room, laughing about how he pranked them. This something Changbin would do. His pranks are usually the meanes, he can't be really in a coma. This is a prank, Changbin is going to come out of the room now, right?  

"Wait, Changbin who?" Seungmin questioned, not wanting to believe it. He doesn't want to even imagine that it was the truth. Of course nothing happened to Changbin, he's stronger than that. Of course he wasn't affected by some stupid car accident. He was okay, nothing happened to him. 

Jeongin sat beside Chan, tears not daring to fall from his eyes, because he clearly didn't want to believe it. What does that even mean? He'll not be able to talk to him for god knows when? He won't be able to annoy him and have him annoy him too for god knows when? What does that even mean? 

Jisung had a confused face, he was really confused. What do you mean his best friend is in a coma? Changbin is okay, they probably meant someone else not their Changbin. He was okay, what were they talking about. 

Suri dropped on the floor, her hands over her mouth trying to silent herself, because she didn't understand why she was crying. It wasn't like what the doctor said was the truth. Changbin is okay, he was literally there was them a few hours ago. Changbin doesn't even like sleeping for that long, he's going to wake up now. She knows he will. 

"N-No, Changbin is okay. He's- He's mad at me that I left earlier than him, he's mad at me. I know, let me just talk to him." The whole room turned to Felix, who hurried to the door that separated them from their best friend. Chan and Seungmin quickly held him, as he tried to open the door, but he tried to push them as much as he can. 

"Chris, just wait okay. He's okay- give me a second to talk to him and he'll wake up. He's not even sleeping, he's just mad at me. He wanted me to stay with him until he's done and I didn't. Please- Please Chan give me a second." Felix fell from their arms to the floor, crying his heart out. "He's okay. Changbin is okay." 

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