[Two Kids Room] Minho x Suri

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"You look cute." Minho complimented Suri like he always did, the moment he entered the room. Suri nodded, but didn't say anything back to him. Minho sat beside her and just stared at her without saying anything. 

"What?" "Aren't you going to say something nice back to me?" Suri shook her head and Minho groaned. He laid down on the couch, putting his head on her lap, then looked up at her. 

"Say something nice to me." "Something nice to me." 

Minho rolled his eyes at Suri, then tickled her stomach a little, causing her to almost push him off the couch. "Seriously." Now it was Suri's time to roll her eyes.

"Black hair looks good on you." Suri said as she started to play with his hair, but he shook his head. 

"You told me that before, when I first dyed it." 

"Because it looks good." "I always look good, I know." 

"Get up." Suri pushed Minho off her lap, but he pushed her hand and slept on her lap again. 

"What is your favourite memory of us together." Minho asked. He shifted so he was sleeping on his side, looking at the cameras, and giving Suri his back.

"What is yours?" "I asked first." Suri thought for a while, but wasn't able to think of something that she can call her favourite. 

"Wow, you really love me, don't you." Minho joked, looking up at Suri who laughed and told him to wait. "Wait for what? Can't you think of a good memory for us together?" 

"I can't think of a good one, we have a lot of memories." Minho sat straight and crossed his arms and faked a pout. 

"I don't wanna be your friend anymore." "Okay, bye." Suri jokingly got up to leave, but Minho grabbed her hand and pulled her down on the couch again. 

"Oh I have a good one actually-" Minho turned his attention to Suri as he wanted for her to talk. "Remember that one time we went to a park at midnight and stargazed and talked for almost 3 hours, until we fell asleep in the middle of the park and woke up at 6AM the next day." Minho couldn't help but laugh loudly and nod. 

"We got in so much trouble with Chan-Hyung and Our manager." Suri nodded and laughed with him. "But it was a good day though- a good night I mean." 

"I don't even know how we didn't get robbed or kidnapped." "No one would do anything to you as long as you're with me, Suri." 

"You can't kill a fly, Lee know." "If the fly is hurting you I'd kill it." Suri rolled her eyes, but laughed a little, causing Minho to copy her laugh. 


'Baby Sun, you make my world shine. Thank you for spending a lot of time with me and always standing by me and believing in me. I'll always be there to help you through the ways. Lets make more memories together so you can remember me a lot. I love you a lot, but not more than my cats.
Your favourite person in this world. Lee Know.' Minho giggled on his own after finishing his message to Suri. He put the pen down and left. 


'Lee Know, Thank you for always cheering for me and staying by my side all the time. I promise to always stand by your side as much as I can. Lets stay at the park again and make more memories there and get in trouble again, because that's really enjoyable with you. I love you MinMin. 
Your fourth cat, Suri.'
   Suri put the pen down, not know that she almost wrote the same message that Minho left for her, although what he meant with some words weren't the same of what she meant. 

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