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Suri sat beside Jeongin watching 2Team rehearsals carefully with all the other members and she couldn't help but notice Hyunjin looking at her every few seconds. Their team work made her nervous, not because her group didn't have team work, but some of them had to fight this morning, causing tension between all of them.

"They look really good." Jiusng commented, earning nod from all members.

"Hey Suri, You should have been over there with them." Hyunjin chuckled and Suri thanked god that the cameras weren't on them to see the looks the others gave him, but she didn't even look at him.

"Trainee Project team will be on stage in 5." One of the stuff came and they all got up, following him backstage. 

"Okay let's do this. Don't let me down guys." They all went on stage getting on their positions. It was only rehearsals why were they that nervous? Their performance went perfect, until Changbin lost him mic, Jisung dropped his and Hyunjin again pushed Suri, causing her almost to fall if it wasn't for Minho, who put his hand on her back stopping her from falling. They ended their performance and went backstage, Chan going straight to Jisung and Changbin, leaving Suri with Felix and Seungmin. No one talked to Hyunjin since everyone knew that him pushing her wasn't an accident. Suri tried her best not to say anything in front of the cameras as she noticed the others probably doing the same. Chan gave Hyunjin a look that made him worried. 


"Do you want to debut?" Chan asked Hyunjin angrily after making sure that no cameras were with them.

"Of course I-" "Making Suri look bad won't make JYP kick her out of the group, okay? It would either get YOU kicked or worst it won't make us debut, because he would think that our team work sucks. Think before you act Hyunjin . Don't make us turn our backs against you." Hyunjin sighed angrily and left their waiting room.

"Maybe I should leave." Everyone looked at Suri, who had her head down. 

"What are you talking about?" Chan went to her slowly. Everyone was now looking at Suri, who had tears in her eyes.

"I'm just causing trouble. I don't think all of this happened before I came. Hyunjin doesn't like me here and he'll slowly make you guys hate me, because of all the problems that happen. Maybe-"

"Maybe you should shut up. Suri listen, Hyunjin is always like that. With all of us. He fought with Jisung before almost hitting each other. Just give him time. JYP likes the idea of you being with us and we do too. We're not letting you go anywhere, not now and not ever Rian." Chan hugged Suri and she could help, but let a few tears down. 

"Our showcase is 5 hours, We need to practise." Changbin said and they all nodded. 


They all stood waiting for their turn after 2team. Hyunjin stood behind everyone on his own and no one dared to say anything to him. After a while 3racha joined them after changing and they all stood in a circle and of course Hyunjin joined them.

"Lets forget about everything happened, and focus on what is going to happen. We all want to debut more than anything else, so don't let each other down. Think about everyone around you before you think about yourself. Now let's do it better than anytime before." Everyone smiled at Chan and nodded, including Hyunjin. 

"I'm sorry for what I did." "As I said, Hyun. Its in the past now." Hyunjin nodded at Chan and everyone got ready to be on stage in less than 5 minutes. 

"Good luck." Suri smiled at Hyunjin, who gave her a small nod.

"Me saying sorry doesn't mean that I fully accept you, and don't worry I won't push you this time."


The performance went way better than all of them thought and they couldn't be happier, but that didn't mean that they were going to debut and that didn't let their nervousness down as they all waited for JYP to enter and tell them his final decision.

After he entered, things went from complementing all teams, to him commenting on Chan's performance and of course complementing him, then saying that Changbin was the one who caught his attention the most from the trainee project team, and everyone could notice the tears in his eyes. Then complementing both Chaeryeong and Yeji.

"But to be honest, someone caught my attention through the whole showcase and I was more than proud of that person." All trainees looked at each other, thinking of who it could be. "Suri." They all turned their attention to the girl beside the other 9 boys and smiled at her. 

"You moves are amazing and everyone can tell that your dancing is your killer point, but also your vocals didn't fail to make me surprised. You look really small between all the other members, but you still made yourself noticeable. Your guys dance was really strong, but you were able to go with it as if it was the easiest moves in the world and your voice is also really stable. I'm not surprised to why Chan chose you." Suri bowed down quickly to JYP and she realised how emotional that was and no surprise Changbin almost cried. 

"Honestly, there was a lot of concern about whether or not the boys team will get to debut first or if the girls will. I consulted the agency and our conclusion is. JYP's next group will be-" Everyone's heart was about to come out of their chests and JYP wasn't helping at all as he took his time saying which one was going to be the debuting group. "Trainee project team." 

"When I looked at everyone one of you, even if the girls team had more good friends. I don't know the reason, but the 10 of you look like one body." Everyone clapped happily for them and for the first time, Suri was able to say that this is her place and she can find herself with those 9 boys.

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now